There are several ways to add citations to RefWorks:
"Direct export" from databases: Many databases provide a "direct export" function that allows you to add a citation or group of citations you find in a database directly to RefWorks without having to save any files to import manually. To use direct export:
Export from database/Import to RefWorks: To add citations from databases without direct export, you need to save marked/tagged citations from the database to your computer as a text (.txt) file, which you can then import into RefWorks. Records from "desktop" citation management software (such as EndNote) can also be imported into RefWorks in this way.
Import using : If a
button appears next to a citation that you want to
add to your RefWorks library, click on the button, and in the window that appears, under
the "Additional Services" option, select RefWorks Direct Export Tool.
The RefWorks login screen will
appear behind the window. Login to RefWorks, and the selected citation will be
added to your "Last Imported" folder.
Using RefGrab-It, you can easily capture and import citations to books and articles in web pages right into your RefWorks account.
The first step is to visit the RefGrab-It download and installation page and follow the instructions according to the browser you like to use (IE or Firefox).
Once you have RefGrab-It installed, it will appear in the links area of your IE toolbar or in the bookmarks toolbar in Firefox.
To use RefGrab-It:
When you are on a web page you want to grab information from, just click on the RefGrab-It button in your toolbar or bookmark list (or IE users can select Favorites, Links, RefGrab-It if you do not have the RefGrab-It button in your toolbar).
You will be brought to the RefWorks temporary results page where the data will be displayed. This page shows you
Check out the Other tab to see any other information about the item(s) RefGrab-It found on the web page, which you can import into RefWorks if you want.
If you want to add the web page information RefGrab-It has found to your RefWorks account, click on the import button.
If you are not logged in to your account, you will be prompted to log-in. Otherwise, your records will appear in the Last Imported folder.
1. Search the Main Catalog and click in the boxes for the titles you
wish to import into RefWorks. Scroll to the bottom of the page for print/save/email options and save titles in the "Full record" format.
Display saved citation and choose
File -->Save As. Save it to your hard
drive or "H:" (\\smbserve\userid) drive as text. For hardrive, save as a txt file
to your desktop.
Switch to RefWorks and import the
citations using Import Filter/Data Source = Endeavor Voyager and Database =
Princeton University Library (Full Record)
You may specify a folder or use the default "Last Imported"
(NOTE: It is highly recommended that you create a new folder, since the
"Last Imported" folder will be overwritten the next time you import
Browse to find your saved file and
click the "Import" button below the dialog box.
When you are ready to consult a work
, choose "view" on the RefWorks and check the Notes
field which will include the library location, call number. The status
information will reflect a title's circulation availability at the moment you
downloaded the record.