Full-text books in humanities, social sciences, gender studies, African American Studies, Latino Studies, and Native American Studies. Browse the subject category, then select race and ethnicity to access a full range of reference books.
Princeton University Library has joined together with many other large academic libraries to store, preserve and protect its digitized book collections, by partnering with HathiTrust, a shared repository of digitized content. Princeton plans to store its Google Books Project public domain images and other locally created digital collections in HathiTrust.
OAIster is a union catalog of millions of records representing open access digital resources. The records of the open access multidisciplinary digital resources available via OAIster lead to a wide range of materials and include: digitized (scanned) books, journal articles, newspapers, manuscripts and more, from more than 1000 contributors worldwide.
A collection of handbooks and encyclopedias in history, the sciences, and the social sciences.
Includes coverage of such topics as: Africa and the Black diaspora; film and television; national organizations; population; religion; science and technology; and sports.
Encyclopedia of African-American Culture and History: the Black Experience in the Americas.
Encyclopedia of African American popular culture. Jessie Carney Smith, editor. Santa Barbara, Calif.: Greenwood, c2011 (DR) E174 .E54 2011
The Encyclopedia of Civil Rights in America.
Encyclopedia of Race and Racism
Negro Year Book: An Annual Encyclopedia of the Negro. Nashville: Sunday School Union Print, 1912-1952. (F) E185.5 N41 Location has: 1912, 1914/15, 1918/19, 1921/22, 1925/26, 1931/32, 1937/38, 1941/46, 1952; (ReCap) Microfilm 04543 1918, 1925/26
Oxford African American Studies Center
Access to the finest reference resources in African American studies. At its core, OAASC includes the new Encyclopedia of African American History 1619-1895; the Encyclopedia of African American History, 1896 to the Present; the second edition of Black Women in America; and African American National Biography. Also includes the highly acclaimed Africana, a five volume history of the African and African American experience. In addition to these major reference works, OAASC offers other key resources from Oxford's reference series, including the Concise Oxford Companion to African American Literature.
Blackwell Companion to Modern Theology
Part V: Contemporary Issues, Ch. 31 “Race”
Blackwell Companion to Social Inequalities
Blackwell Companion to Social Movements
Part VI: Major Social Movements, Ch. 28 “Ethnic and Nationalist Social Movements”
Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Culture
Part IV: Identity and Difference, Ch. 15 “Race after the Cultural Turn”
Blackwell Companion to the Sociology of Families
Part III: Inequality and Diversity
Blackwell Dictionary of Modern Social Thought
“Emancipation; Equality and Inequality; Ethnicity; Race; Racism; Stereotype”
Companion to African American History
A Companion to African-American Philosophy
A Companion to African American Studies
A Companion to 19th-Century America
Part IV: Race, Gender, and Ethnicity
A Companion to Post-1945 America
Part II: People and Movements, Ch. 10 “Hyphen Nation: Ethnicity in American Intellectual and Political Life;” Ch. 12 “The Historiography of the Struggle for Black Equality since 1945”
Part V: Effects, Ch. 20 “Race and Crime in the Media: Research from a Media Effects Perspective;” Ch. 23 “The Impact of Stereotypical and Counter-Stereotypical News on Viewer Perceptions of Blacks and Latinos: An Exploratory Study”
Part VI: Futures, Ch. 25 “All Consuming Identities: Race, Mass Media, and the Pedagogy of Resentment in the Age of Difference”
A Companion to Racial and Ethnic Studies
See also: A Companion to the American South
Cambridge Collections Online (Princeton access only)
Searchable full text access to the complete Cambridge Companions to literature, philosophy, religion, and classics.
The Companion to African American Women’s Literature
The Cambridge Companion to August Wilson
The Cambridge Companion to Frederick Douglass
The Cambridge Companion to Ralph Ellison
The Cambridge Companion to the African American Novel
The Companion to the African American Slave Narrative
The Cambridge Companion to the Harlem Renaissance
Oxford Reference Online (Princeton access only)
Full-text of more than 100 dictionaries and reference books published by Oxford University Press
Concise Oxford Companion to African American Literature
The Oxford Companion to American Military History
"African Americans in the military”
The Oxford Companion to Black British History
“Ira Aldridge” (African American actor)
The Oxford Companion to Canadian History