The African American Almanac. Brigham Narins, editor. 10th ed. Detroit, Mich.: Thomson Gale, c2008.
Contents: Chronology -- African American firsts -- Significant documents in African American history -- African American landmarks -- Africa and the African diaspora -- Africans in America: 1600 to 1900 -- Civil rights -- Black nationalism -- National organizations -- Law -- Politics -- Population -- Employment and income -- Entrepreneurship -- Family and health -- Education -- Religion -- Literature -- Media -- Film and television -- Drama, comedy, and dance -- Classical music -- Sacred music traditions -- Blues and jazz -- Popular music -- Visual and applied arts -- Science and technology -- Sports -- Military -- Appendix.
Encyclopedia of African-American Politics, by Robert C. Smith. New York: Facts on File, c2003. (DR) E185 .S58155 2003
Encyclopedia of Minorities in American Politics, edited by Jeffrey D. Schultz ... [et al.] Phoenix, AZ : Oryx Press, 2000. Also in (SSRC) E184.A1 E574 2000
Annual Review of Political Science (1998+) Note: Works better in Mozilla Firefox.
Comprehensive review of the literature in political science. Can help students identify major trends in the field as well as find general overviews of research in specific subject areas of politics.
Includes 3 major publications from Congressional Quarterly. CQ Researcher provides in-depth coverage and analysis of major issues before the U.S. Congress since 1923. CQ Weekly provides weekly coverage of U.S. Congress legislative news and analysis since 1983. Encyclopedia of American government offers thousands of concise, up-to-date explanations of the how, why and who of American government.
Dissertation Abstracts (ProQuest Digital Dissertations) (1861+; full text 1997+)
Access to citations and abstracts for every title in the Dissertation Abstracts database. Dissertations written from 1997 forward are available full text. The database includes citations to dissertations from 1861 to those accepted last semester. Citations for dissertations and master's theses published from 1980 forward have abstracts.
Ebsco Academic Search (1975+)
Multi-disciplinary database providing abstract & indexing with select full text for many core scholarly journals as well as popular press periodicals.
International Index, Social Sciences and Humanities Index, Omnifile (1907-1984)
Combination of International Index, Social Sciences & Humanities Index, Humanities Index, and Social Science Index.
International Political Science Abstracts (1989+)
Abstracts in English or French to articles selected from over 1,000 international journals. Topics covered include political science method and theory, political thinkers and ideas, governmental and administrative institutions, political process, international relations, and national and area studies.
Full text archive of core journals in select disciplines. Journal issues from the most recent 3-5 years are usually NOT available electronically through JSTOR.
Comprehensive database of legal materials, including cases, statutes, and regulations of the U.S. government and the various state governments; case law from 1789 to present; current and historical statutes and regulations from 1980 forward. Provides full text of many major national and regional newspapers, including the full text of the New York Times. For comparisons between Lexis-Nexis Academic and Factiva see
Lexis-Nexis Congressional (1789+)
Indexes publications of the U.S. Congress such as hearings, committee reports, documents and prints. Material is available in microfiche and/or electronic. Essential tool for doing legislative history research. Includes Congressional Research Reports from 1916 to the present, U.S. Serial Set from 1789-1969, Annals of Congress from 1789-1824, Register of Debates from 1824-1837, Congressional Globe from 1833-1873, and Congressional Record from 1873-1997.
PAIS: Public Affairs Information Service (1915+)
Citations to articles, books, reports, and select government documents on U.S. and international public policy issue. Generally considered to be a comprehensive index to policy literature.
ProQuest Research Library (Mid 1970s+. (Highly selective earlier coverage))
Abstracting, indexing, and select full text of many core scholarly journals, magazines and major newspapers for information on a broad range of subjects.
Race Relations Abstracts (1975+)
Bibliographic records covering essential areas related to race relations, including ethnic studies, discrimination, immigration studies, and other areas of key relevance to the discipline.
Social Issues Primary Source Collections (19th Century+)
Primary source documents focusing on leading social issues for the environment; gender issues and sexuality; human and civil rights; and medicine, health, and bioethics.
Social Science Citation Index (Sciences (1900+), Social Sciences (1898+), and Arts and Humanities (1975+).)
Multidisciplinary index to journal literature in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities. Offers the option to find cited references, which are the authors lists of articles used in their research.
General index to the literature of the social sciences including economics, politics, law, education, labor, and sociology.
Wilson OmniFile (1982+)
Multi-disciplinary database providing select full text articles, abstracts, and indexing. Consists of databases for scholarly sources in agriculture, applied science and technology, art, biology, business, education, general science, humanities, law, library and information science, social sciences, as well as popular appeal titles.
Web of Science (ISI) (Sciences (1900+), Social Sciences (1898+), and Arts and Humanities (1975+).)
Multidisciplinary index to journal literature in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities. Useful for cited reference searches. Note: covers only a subset of the titles in Econlit.
A New Nation Votes is a searchable collection of election returns from the earliest years of American democracy. The data were compiled by Philip Lampi. The American Antiquarian Society and Tufts University Digital Collections and Archives have mounted it online for you with funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities.