Annual Review of Economics (2009+) - Comprehensive review of the literature in economics. Can help researchers identify major trends in the field as well as find general overviews of research in specific subject areas of economics.
Business Full Text (1913+) - English-language periodicals published in the United States and elsewhere, including the leading business magazines and trade and research journals.
EconLit (1969+) - Indexes international economic literature. Includes major journals, articles in collective volumes (essays, proceedings, etc.), books, full-text book reviews, dissertations, and working papers.
International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (1951+) - Compiled by the British Library of Political & Economic Science of the London School of Economics & Political Science. Provides bibliographic information from an international selection of publications in economics, political science, sociology, and anthropology.
JSTOR - Full text archive of core journals in select disciplines. Journal issues from the most recent 3-5 years are usually not available electronically through JSTOR.
PolicyFile (1990+) - Draws its content from public policy think tanks, university research programs, research organizations, and publishers. Covers all aspects of public policy.
PolicyMap -- Allows users to create maps of economic and demographic data broken down by race and locale
Social Science Research Network - Abstracts and select full text of select scholarly working papers and forthcoming papers in economics, business, and law.
Urban Studies Abstracts (1973+) - Covers urban affairs, community development, urban history, etc.
Web of Science (ISI) (Sciences (1900+), Social Sciences (1898+), and Arts and Humanities (1975+) - Multidisciplinary index to journal literature in the sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities. Useful for cited reference searches. Note: covers only a subset of the titles in Econlit.