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E-Books for the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory: Springer

A guide to e-books at PPPL with links to core reference works available electronically.

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Springer’s e-book collection uses PDF and HTML data formats to make access for researchers, as convenient as possible. Springer e-book collections offer accurate reproductions of high quality Springer print book publications, together with all the added benefits of an online environment. Princeton subscribes to the following subject and date areas. Titles within Princeton's collection are noted by a green box.

Features and Functionality


  • Search in Google using the title of the book and keyword SpringerLink. If you can't view the book, it's not part of our collection.
  • Search in SpringerLink. Warning: this searchers through ALL Springer full-text including e-journals and things not owned by Princeton.
  • Use the links above to search within e-book collections owned by Princeton.

Reading: Springer e-books can be read online in the SpringerLink reader. Click Enter Fullscreen to view the book in the fullscreen mode. Use the + and - buttons to zoom in and out. PDFs of each chapter are also available.

Downloading: There is no limit to the number of pages from an e-book that can be downloaded. However, PDFs are only available at the chapter level, so one will need to download each chapter to have access to the entire book offline for personal use. Please consider copyright laws when downloading and do not make e-books available on a server.

Printing: There is no limit to the number of pages that can be printed from Springer e-books. Please consider copyright laws and the environment before printing large sections of an e-book.

Additional Functionality: Sign up for an individual account to save items and searches and to set up alerts.