Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology by Kirk, Raymond and Donald OthmerISBN: 0471484946
Online version of the Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia contains the full text of the most current edition of the print version of the Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology, including all the illustrations, diagrams and tables. The encyclopedia describes the theory and practice of chemical engineering and the industrial production and uses of chemical materials. Written by prominent scholars from industry, academia, and research institutions, the encyclopedia brings together and treats systematically facts on the properties, manufacturing, and uses of chemicals and materials, processes, and engineering principles, coupled with insights into current research, emerging technologies and economic aspects. Environmental and health concerns are also addressed. Updated regularly, Kirk-Othmer Online stays current with developments in chemical technology and related fields. New and revised articles are posted monthly; older versions of such articles may still be accessed in an archived form. The encyclopedia is searchable by phrases, author, article title, or keywords, and can be browsed alphabetically and by subject. Abstracts for all the articles are also provided.