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International Trade Statistics : A Guide to Selected Resources

Other Countries & Regions

Middle Eastern Countries

Sources in this section cover the Middle East. For most users, the sources in the multinational section are the ones to use.

IIS 1100-S6 (RECAP Microforms)
Arab Economic Database.  
Annual report on the trade of the Arab Monetary Fund member countries. Data among Arab countries and with the rest of the world by selected partner and selected commodity.  Earliest statistics data back to 1976 in the reports Foreign Trade of Arab Countries (and various other titles).


Sources in this section cover China. For most users, the sources in the multinational section are the ones to use.

WiserTradeInternational trade database which includes 4 U.S. state level export series, U.S. exports and imports by customs district & by individual port, as well as EU, Canadian (by province and port), Chilean and Colombian (by region, port, and country of procurement), Chinese (by province through 2015), South African (district and port), Taiwanese (through 2012), and Japanese trade statistics. Also includes estimates of service trade by USA state by category since 2012.

China Customs Information Center Data (1993-2012).  Bilateral trade data for China with breakdown by type of firm ownership for 1993-2012.  The data is available at aggregate level for the full period, and disaggregated 4 digit HS code data by type of firm ownership is available for 2003-2012.


European Union

 Sources in this section cover the European Union. Data for the European Union is also contained in many of the sources in the multinational and OECD sections but the European Union sources may be more detailed.  For most users, the sources in the multinational section are the ones to use.

 Comext (Intra and Extra-EU Trade Statistics)
Combines various paper products many of which have ceased being printed. (1) External and Intra-European Union Trade. Monthly Statistics. 1986-. (Various titles). Monthly report presenting detailed external trade data for 15 EU countries, by SITC 1 to 2 digit commodity and country, world region, and/or economic grouping. Includes data on trade with the rest of the world and with non-EU trading partners, for total EU and individual member countries. Covers all transactions in movable goods involving European Union nations. 1976+ IIS (1600-P6) (RECAP Microforms) (2) External Trade: Analytical Tables (HS) (Annual - Series C) Most detailed published tables of EU trade, by broad subject groupings, using NIMEXE classification. Exports and imports to 6 digit NIMEXE codes. Formerly titled Analytical tables of foreign trade. NIMEXE, 1970 to 1989 edition. Ceased in paper in 1990.   EU Microforms Exports: IIS 1300-S38 Imports: IIS 1300-S23 (RECAP Microforms). (3) External Trade: Analytical Tables (SITC) (Annual - Series B) Detailed intra- and extra- Community trade figures, using SITC. Published since 1958 (called CST until 1976) Title changed from Analytical tables of foreign trade. SITC in 1989. Exports and imports to 1-5 digit level. Ceased in paper in 1990. EU Microfiche
Exports: IIS 1300-S38; Imports IIS 1300-S23 (RECAP Microforms).

Access2Markets (European Union)
Provides text of trade barriers in non-European Union countries, and trade statistics between EU and these nations.

HF3500.5.A395q and IIS (1600-S13) (RECAP Microforms)
External and Intra-European Union Trade, Statistical Yearbook. 1958-Present. (Various titles). Paper ceased in 1996. Annual report presenting historical trade data by selected commodity and partner country, world region, and economic grouping for 15 EU countries with some comparisons to other countries and regions.

International Trade in Services: EU
Annual report on international trade in services by type and merchandise trade for EU countries, with comparisons to US, Canada, Japan, and Norway.  1985+

(IIS 1600-S7) (RECAP Microforms) Statistics in Focus: External Trade
Series of short reports presenting data on trade of EU countries, by specific geographic areas, such as ACP (African, Caribbean, and Pacific) countries, and for specific sectors, such as high-technology products.

HF2031 .E91 1960/61-Present.
IIS 1580-S1 (RECAP Microforms)

Annual Report of the European Free Trade Association
Annual report on EFTA activities, summary data on budget, and socioeconomic indicators, including trade.

Former Soviet Union

Biennial publication that included foreign trade data for the following East European countries: Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, the U.S.S.R. and Yugoslavia. Provides excellent source list. Holdings: 1979, 1983, 1987, 1990 (final edition).

published alternately with

COMECON Foreign Trade Data
Holdings: 1980, 1982, 1984, 1986.

Soviet Economic Statistical Series

Latin America


International trade data for exports & imports by partner for countries of the Western Hemisphere. Queries at 6 digit level of the HS, 5 digit level of SITC and 4 digit level of ISIC. English, Spanish or Portuguese.

International trade database which includes 4 U.S. state level export series, U.S. exports and imports by customs district & by individual port, as well as EU, Brazil (by state and port), Canadian (by province and port), Chilean and Colombian (by region, port, and country of procurement)Chinese (by province through 2015), Mexican (by district), South African (district and port), Taiwanese (through 2012), and Japanese trade statistics. Also includes estimates of service trade by USA state by category since 2012.


Documents shipping in and out of Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, and Venezuela (as well as select other countries of the world).  Dates differs by country but some data back to 2004. One can download up to 50,000 records at a time.   The limit for the month for the University is 1 million records (which can be less than one day of trade between 2 countries).  Please contact Bobray Bordelon before downloading in order to formulate search strategies. 

International trade outlook for Latin America and the Caribbean 1996+

Sources in this section cover Latin America.  For most users, the sources in the multinational section are the ones to use.

OECD Nations

Sources in this section cover the OECD nations. These nations are also contained in many of the sources in the multinational section but the OECD sources may be more detailed. The European Union and United States sections may provide even more detailed data.  For most users, the sources in the multinational section are the ones to use.

International trade by commodities statistics 1961+ Also available as an annual under various titles and in paper (HF91.F674q). Gives full commodity and partner country detail, 1961-. Different countries and areas of trade. SITC Rev. 2 contains data back to 1961. Though Revision 3 contains more variables, its data begins in 1990. Annual series of reports on value of foreign trade for 25 OECD countries by SITC 1 to 2 digit commodity and partner country, world, region, and economic groupings. Data are classified according to the SITC (Standard International Trade Classification) or HS (Harmonised System) classification. The first four volumes contain data for individual countries. Volume 5 presents data for OECD regions, economic groupings, and the OECD as a whole.
Main Economic Indicators 1960+ Also available in paper (HC10.O64q). Paper dates back to 1955. Reports total value (in national currencies) of imports and exports for OECD countries.
OECD Quarterly International Trade Statistics. HF91.O672 (Various titles) For OECD member countries, provides exports & imports of broad commodity categories and exports & imports by trading partner countries. Values in U.S. dollars with conversion tables for national currencies. Monthly through 2014, quarterly, & annual data.  Earliest data is 1955.
OECD Statistics on International Trade in Services 1970+ HD9980.4.S47 Annual report of data on service trade, investment, intellectual property income and comparisons to total merchandise trade.  Note paper title varied over time.



WiserTradeInternational trade database which includes 4 U.S. state level export series, U.S. exports and imports by customs district & by individual port, as well as EU, Canadian (by province and port), Chilean and Colombian (by region, port, and country of procurement), Chinese (by province through 2015), South African (district and port), Taiwanese (through 2012), and Japanese trade statistics. Also includes estimates of service trade by USA state by category since 2012.

Monthly Statistics of Exports and Imports in Taiwan Area, R.O.C.