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Basic Sources of International Economic Statistics

Historical Compilations - The World

Maddison, Angus. The World Economy: Volume 1: A Millennial Perspective and Volume 2: Historical Statistics. Paris : Development Centre of the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, 2001-2003. Updated by the Maddison Project Database 2020 which covers 169 countries through 2018

Jordà-Schularick-Taylor Macrohistory Database.  Brings together macroeconomic data that previously had been dispersed across a variety of sources. Covers 18 advanced economies (1870-2020) on an annual basis. Comprises 48 real and nominal variables. Among these, there are time series that had been hitherto unavailable to researchers, among them financial variables such as bank credit to the non-financial private sector, mortgage lending and long-term house prices. Captures the near-universe of advanced-country macroeconomic and asset price dynamics, covering on average over 90 % of advanced-economy output and over 50 % of world output. 

While not all countries have produced historical compilations, most produce statistical yearbooks.  Princeton has a deep collection of the statistical abstracts of many foreign countries. These abstracts contain a wealth of statistics on a broad range of subjects. Current editions are shelved by country name in the DSS collection (A Floor - Firestone). Select countries make their statistical yearbooks available online.  Coverage varies. For older editions consult the Main Catalog or the microfiche collection as well as the sections below for potential historical compilations.

For a superb bibliography of sources, see the bibliography section of Giovani Federico and Antonio Tena-Junguito's World Trade:  a new dataset.  It includes a vast array of sources for economic and social statistics.

Historical Compilations - Africa, Asia, Oceania including Australia & New Zealand

Mitchell, B.R. International Historical Statistics: Africa, Asia, and Oceania, 1750-2010. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2013.

African Economic History Network.  Includes data on commodity trade, GDP, wages, asset taxes, population and many other items.

Angola, 40 anos de estatistica, 1975-2015. Luanda : Instituto Nacional de Estatistica, 2015. (Firestone Library - Non-Circulating) HA4710 .A13 2015

McCarthy, Justin.  The Arab world, Turkey, and the Balkans (1878-1914) : a handbook of historical statistics.  Boston, MA : G.K. Hall, c1982.  (Firestone Noncirculating) HA4556 .M35 1982 and RECAP

Vamplew, Wray.  Australians.  Historical Statistics.  New South Wales, Australia:  Fairfax, Syme & Weldon Associates, 1987.  (generally covers late 1700s to early 1980s).  (DSS) DU110.A877 (volume 10 of Australians: A Historical Library)

Year Book (Australia - 1908-2012; individual yearbooks)

Historical National Accounts of the Peoples' Republic of China 1952-1995.

Historical and statistical abstract of the Colony of Hong Kong, 1841-1930.

Hong Kong statistics, 1947-1967. Hong Kong, 1969. Oversize HA1950.H6A6q

Historical statistics of Korea. Singapore: Springer, 2022. (DSS) HC467 .H57 2022 

Statistics on the Burmese economy: the 19th and 20th centuries.  Singapore : Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, [1999] Firestone Library: Non Circulating (Fnc) and RECAP HC422 .S7 1999 (Burma/Myannmar)

Statistical Abstract Relating to British India.  Digital South Asia Library. (Covers 1840-1920)

Government of India.  Historical Censuses.

Historical Statistics of Japan. Tokyo : Nihon Tokei Kyokai. (Covers 1868-2012)

Imperato, Pascal James.  Mali: a handbook of historical statistics.  Boston, Mass.: G.K. Hall, c1982.  (Firestone Noncirculating) HA4727 .I56

Bloomfield, Gerald Taylor.  New Zealand, a handbook of historical statistics.  Boston, Mass.: G.K. Hall, 1984.  (Firestone Noncirculating) HA3184 .B55 1984 and RECAP

New Zealand Official Yearbook, 1893-2012 (individual yearbooks)

50 Years of Pakistan in Statistics.  Karachi:  Federal Bureau of Statistics, 1997.  (4 volume set) (Covers 1947-1997) (Firestone Noncirculating HC440.2.A612 1997

Peebles, Patrick.  Sri Lanka: a handbook of historical statistics.  Boston, Mass. : G.K. Hall, c1982.  (Firestone Noncirculating) HA4570.8 .P43 1982

Peebles, Patrick.  Selected Statistical Series 1951-1985.  Dar es Salaam : Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Finance, Economic Affairs, and Planning, 1987.  (Firestone Noncirculating) HA4697 .S45 1987 and RECAP  (Tanzania)

Wilson, Constance M.  Thailand: a handbook of historical statistics.  Boston, Mass. : G.K. Hall, 1983.  (Firestone Noncirculating) HA4600.55 .W54 1983

Historical Compliations - Europe

Mitchell, B.R. International Historical Statistics: Europe, 1750-2010. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2013.

Flora, Peter and Jens Alber.  State, economy, and society in Western Europe, 1815-1975 : a data handbook in two volumes: Frankfurt am Main : Campus Verlag ; Chicago : St. James Press, 1983-1987.   (Firestone Library - Trustee Reading Room Reference) HA1107 .F46 and RECAP

South-Eastern European Monetary and Economic Statistics from the Nineteenth Century to World War II
A complete dataset is presented for each country, covering 6 broad groups of indicators: (1) monetary variables, (2) interest rates, (3) exchange rates, (4) government finances, (5) prices, production and labor, and (6) national accounts and population. Covers Albania, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Serbia/Yugoslavia, and Turkey.

McCarthy, Justin.  The Arab world, Turkey, and the Balkans (1878-1914) : a handbook of historical statistics.  Boston, MA : G.K. Hall, c1982.  (Firestone Noncirculating) HA4556 .M35 1982 and RECAP

Historická statistická ročenka ČSSR.  Praha : SNTL, Nakl. technické literatury ; Bratislava : ALFA, Vydavatel̕stvo technickej a ekonomickej literatúry, 1985. (Stokes Library) Oversize HA1195 .H57 1985q.  (Czechoslovakia

Statistisk Årbog (Denmark) (1896+ in Danish); Statistical Yearbook (2000+ in English)

histat: Historical Statistics
Historical statistics on Germany on a wide variety of topics. Free registration is required.

A Millennium of macroeconomic data
Contains a broad set of macroeconomic and financial data for the UK stretching back in some cases to the C13th and with one or two benchmark estimates available for 1086, the year of the Domesday Book. The dataset was originally called the 'Three centuries of macroeconomic data' spreadsheet but has now been renamed given its broader coverage. Version 3.1 of the dataset has now been updated to 2016.

Mitchell, B.R.  British Historical Statistics: Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988.  (Firestone NonCirculating) HA1134 .M58 1988

Williams, L. J. Digest of Welsh historical statistics: 1974-1996.  [Cardiff] : Government Statistical Service, 1998.

Williams, L. J. Digest of Welsh historical statistics.  [Cardiff] : Government Statistical Service, 1985. (earliest statistics back to 1570; generally 1800s to 1970s)  Much of the data has been digitized into datasets through the UKDS. To obtain a free account please register with the UKDS. (Firestone Noncirculating) HA1166 .W54q

Magyarország 1989-2009 : a változások tükrébren.  (Hungary)

Hagskinna : sögulegar hagtölur um Ísland = Icelandic historical statistics.  Reykjavík : Hagstofa Íslands, 1997. Firestone Library: Non Circulating (Fnc) HA1495 .H34 1997

HNAG Database of Irish Historical Statistics. (archived version)

Sommario di statistiche storiche dell’Italia, 1861-1975.

Annuario statistico Italiano. (1878+)

Historical Statistics.  Statistics Norway. (1828+) (compilations and individual years)

Portuguese Historical Statistics.  Lisboa: Instituto Nacional de Estatistica, 2001.  (generally covers 1864-1998)

PORDATA:  Base de Dados Portugal Contemporâneo. Starts with 12 themes: population; health; education; social protection; employment and labor market; enterprises and personnel; family income and expenditure; housing and comfort; justice; culture; national accounts; and government accounts.  Data potentially back to 1960 and for some areas subnational.

The East European and Soviet Data Handbook: Political, Social and Developmental Indicators, 1945-1975New York, N.Y. : Columbia University Press ; Stanford, CA : Hoover Institution Press, 1981.

Soviet Economic Statistical Series.

Statistical Yearbook of Spain.  (not a compilation but all yearbooks back to 1858)

Estadísticas históricas de España : siglos XIX-XX.  Bilbao : Fundación BBVA, 2005. (Firestone Noncirculating) HA1554 .E88 2005.  Covers 19th and 20th centuries in Spain.

Historical  Some series dating back to 1260.  Includes prices, wages, exchange rates, money supply, interest and stock returns, state loans, national accounts, and population for Sweden.


Historical statistics of Switzerland.  Zurich : Chronos, c1996.  Annex A.  Oversize HA1604 .H577 1996q

Historical statistics of Switzerland online.

MEMDB: Medieval and Early Modern Data Bank. Select commodity prices from the Medieval Ages.Also available in bulk.

Historical Compilations - Latin America and the Caribbean

Mitchell, B.R. International Historical Statistics: The Americas, 1750-2010. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2013.

Montevideo-Oxford Latin American Economic History Database (1870-2010)

Anguilla abstract of statistics, 1960-1982.  [The Valley? Anguilla] : Finance Dept., [1984]  (Firestone Noncirculating) HA866.A47A54 1984

Dos siglos de economía Argentina, 1810-2004 : historia argentina en cifras.  [Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial El Ateneo ] : Fundación Norte y Sur, c2005.  (Firestone Noncirculating) HC175 .D67 2005

Estadísticas históricas Argentinas : compendio 1873-1973.  Buenos Aires, Argentina : [Academic Nacional de Ciencias Económicas, Instituto de Economía Aplicada], 1988. (Firestone Noncirculating) HA945 .E87 1988

Senra, Nelson.  História das estatísticas Brasileiras.  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: IBGE, 2006-2009.  (Firestone Noncirculating) Oversize HA984 .S467 2006q.  (4 volume set covering 1822-2002.

Ludwig, Armin K.  Brazil: a handbook of historical statistics.  Boston, MA : G.K. Hall, 1985.  (Firestone Noncirculating) HA984 .L83 1985

Estatísticas históricas do Brasil : séries econômicas, demográficas e sociais de 1550 a 1988.  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: IBGE, 1990. Donald E. Stokes Library (SPR) HA984 .E84 1990

Anuário estatístico do BrasilBrazil.  Complete run of annual yearbooks back to 1908.

Braun Ll., Juan. Economía chilena 1810-1995, estadísticas históricas = Chile 1810-1995, economic and social statistics. Santiago : Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Instituto de Economía, [2000] (Firestone) HC192 .E234 2000

Mamalakis, Markos.  Historical statistics of Chile.  Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1978-1985.  (6 volume set)  (Firestone Noncirculating) HA1007 .M35

Estadísticas de Chile en el siglo XX.  [Santiago] : Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas, [1999].  (Firestone Noncirculating) HA1004 .E88 1999

Estadísticas históricas de Colombia.  Colombia : Departamento Nacional de Planeación : TM Editores, 1998.  (Firestone Noncirculating)  HA1015 .E878 1998

Compendio de estadísticas históricas de Colombia. Bogotá [Dirección de Divulgación Cultural, Universidad Nacional de Colombia] 1970.  (Firestone NonCirculating) HA1016.U7

Schroeder, Susan.  Cuba: a handbook of historical statistics.  Boston, Mass. : G.K. Hall, c1982.  (Firestone Noncirculating) F1778 .S37 1982

Estadísticas históricas de México 2014. Aguascalientes, México : Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía, 2015. Covers 1521-2014.

México en el siglo XX : panorama estadístico.  Aguascalientes, Ags. : Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática, c2000. Very large books (XL). (Firestone Noncirculating)  HA765 .M485 2000f

Compendio estadístico 1965-1974.  Managua : República de Nicaragua, 1976.  (Firestone Noncirulating)  HA832.N5.1976

Compendio estadístico del Perú, 1900-1990.  Lima, Peru: Universidad del Pacífico, Centro de Investigación (CIUP) : Consorcio de Investigación Económica, 1992. (Firestone Noncirculating) HA1064 .P677 1992q

Estadísticas históricas del Uruguay, 1900-1950.  Montevideo : Universidad de la República, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, 2007. (Firestone Noncirculating) Oversize HA1084 .E773 2007q

Baptista, Asdrúbal. Bases cuantitativas de la economía venezolana, 1830-2002. Caracas, Venezuela : Fundación Empresas Polar, [2006].  (Firestone HC237 .B338 2006)

Izard, Miquel. Series estadísticas para la historia de Venezuela. Mérida, Universidad de los Andes, Escuela de Historia, 1970.  (Firestone Noncirculating) HA1096.I9  (covers 1772 to early 1940s)

Estadísticas socio-laborales de Venezuela: series históricas 1936-1990.  [Caracas] :  Banco Central de Venezuela , [1993?].  (Firestone Noncirculating) HA1095 .E773 1993

Historical Compliations - Middle East

Mitchell, B.R. International Historical Statistics: Africa, Asia, and Oceania, 1750-2010. London: Palgrave MacMillan, 2013.

Statistical handbook of the Republic of Iraq for the years 1957-1967.   Baghdad, 1968.  (Firestone Noncirculating)  HA1950.I75A42

McCarthy, Justin.  The Arab world, Turkey, and the Balkans (1878-1914) : a handbook of historical statistics.  Boston, MA : G.K. Hall, c1982.  (Firestone Noncirculating) HA4556 .M35 1982

Historical Compilations - United States

Historical Statistics of the United States, Millennial Edition
Statistical series on subjects ranging from population and land area to production figures for crops and manufactured products. Coverage begins with the colonial and pre-Federal period and goes up to 2000. Detailed documentation provides brief histories of the statistical series and source materials.
(DSS) HA202.H57