Bibliographic records for publicly available energy and energy-related literature from the Department of Energy (DOE) and its predecessor agencies, the Energy Research & Development Administration (ERDA) and the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC).
Collection of technical literature related to the oil and gas exploration and production industry. Access requires authentication (restricted to Princeton University users).
Detailed statistical reports in the oil and gas industries. Includes exploration & production, refining, LNG, pipelines, storage, tankers, deals and forecasts, as well as the latest research reports, news and opinions.
Full text access to American Association of Petroleum Geologists publications, including AAPG Bulletin, AAPG Special Volumes, Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, Journal of Petroleum Geology, Journal of Sedimentary Research.
Contains data on coal-fired power stations throughout the world, including coal quality (heating value, sulphur and ash content), boiler type, and manufacturer. Also includes data on installations for flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) for SO2 control, primary measures and flue gas treatment for NOx emissions reduction. Export or download of data from the coalpower database is not permitted. Data can only be viewed in its pre-assigned form.
Power Reactor Information System (PRIS) - Access restricted to current Princeton University students, faculty and staff. Princeton University NetID/Password required.
World's leading information system on peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology, operated by IAEA, contains 2.8 million records. Also covers grey literature.