Princeton University Undergraduate Senior Theses, 1926-2021
Princeton University Doctoral Dissertations, 2011-2022
Princeton University Library catalog, Chemistry undergraduate senior theses - call number = SrTh CHM
Department of Chemistry records, 1893-2017
American Chemical Society (ACS) Spring 2022 Conference
The Ethics and Equity of Open:
06:00pm - 09:35pm USA / Canada - Eastern - March 22, 2022
Judith N Currano, Organizer, Presider; Dr. Ye Li, Organizer; Professor Patricia Ann Mabrouk, Ph.D., F.A.C.S., Organizer, Presider
Division: [CINF] Division of Chemical Information; Session Type: Oral - Virtual
Co-Sponsor/Theme: Co-sponsor - Cooperative ETHX: Committee on Ethics
3660027 - Citation analysis for open-access content in theses and dissertations
06:35pm - 07:05pm USA / Canada - Eastern - March 22, 2022
Emily C. Wild, MLIS, Presenter
Each year, undergraduate and graduate students complete senior theses and PhD dissertations within the Department of Chemistry at Princeton University. During the SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 pandemic, access to some content became challenging, and students became more aware of open-access and subscription content availability while researching remotely and worldwide. This session will be an analysis of citations for open-access content within theses and dissertations, as well as an analysis of the chemistry theses and dissertations as cited works in other research publications.
Division: [CINF] Division of Chemical Information