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Open-Access Publishing Support

Publish your research aticles as Open Access with no author processing charges (APCs).


Princeton University Library supports Open Access publishing and has agreements in place that allow Princeton University authors to publish their research articles as Open Access without paying Author Processing Charges (APCs).

How do I take advantage of these programs?

During the article submission process, self-identify as a Princeton University author. Choose Princeton University as your affiliated institution, and use your or email address during the submission process.

Supported Open-Access Publications

ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
Publish your article in more than 50 peer-reviewed ACM journals with no APCs.

BMC (BioMed Central)
Receive a 15% discount on your APC for articles published in BMC journals. An A-Z list of their journal titles is available HERE. Please self-identify as a Princeton University researcher and use your email address during the submission process.

Cambridge University Press 
Publish your article in Cambridge University Press peer-reviewed journals with no APCs.

IOP (Institute of Physics)
Corresponding Princeton University authors can publish their research as Open Access in 79 IOP eJournals without APCs. 

  • View eligible publications HERE

PLOS (Public Library of Science)
Author processing charges reduced to $400 for all PLOS peer-reviewed journals: Computational Biology, Digital Health, Genetics, Neglected Tropical Diseases, PLOS ONE, Pathogens, Biology, Climate, Global Public Health, Medicine, Sustainability and Transformation, Water. Please apply for a $400 waiver during the publishing workflow. PLOS graciously agrees to grant the waiver to Princeton University authors. If you have any questions or issues claiming the waiver, please contact us:

The Royal Society
Corresponding authors affiliated with Princeton University may publish Open Access at no charge to the author. Please self-identify as a Princeton University author and use your or email domain during the application process. Eligible journals are: Biology Letters; Interface Focus; Journal of the Royal Society Interface; Notes and Records of the Royal Society; Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A and B; Proceedings of the Royals Society A and B; Open Biology; and Royal Society Open Science. 

The Royal Society of Chemistry
Corresponding authors affiliated with Princeton University may publish Open Access at no charge to the author. Please self-identify as a Princeton University author and use your or email domain during the application process. Eligible articles are those accepted for publication after 1/1/24. Articles accepted for publication prior to 1/1/24 are ineligible. 

Corresponding authors affiliated with Princeton University may publish Open Access at no charge to the author. To qualify, articles must be published in a Wiley or Hindawi fully Open Access journal (submitted on or after 1 January 2023), or published Open Access in a hybrid journal (accepted on or after 1 January 2023).