CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics – Electronic access via
NIST Chemistry WebBook Access -
This site provides thermochemical, thermophysical, and ion energetics data compiled by NIST under the Standard Reference Data Program. Only includes roughly 3000 0f the most common chemical compounds.
Material Safety Datasheets Access -
MSDSs can be a place to find basic property information as well as safety data.
REAXYS – for property info Access
Once you have conducted your search, limit to your specific compound, then navigate through the hit set via the facet limiters on the left of the screen.
SciFinder – for property info Access –
In the record for a chemical compound, look for a link to Experimental Properties OR Predicted Properties. CAS Registry number search will get you to your compound faster. You can also do a natural language for your compound and the property you want “formaldehyde and melting point”.