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Gender + Sexuality Resource Center Community Library

Statement on Offensive Language

Our library intends to describe materials using language that uplifts the people it describes and reflect the language those communities use for themselves. Additionally, our goal is to provide students with materials that honor and respect all peoples. However, there is a chance that patrons might encounter material that is offensive or harmful, or that uses offensive or harmful language. There are many reasons for this. Primarily, the people who have curated our library could not possibly read every single book to check the content. Additionally, many of our books were handed down to us from groups dating back to the 1970s (for more, see The History of Our Collection) and therefore contain outdated ideas or language. Language changes constantly, particularly regarding topics like gender and sexuality, so a term that may have been common or acceptable ten years ago may now be considered obsolete or offensive, or vice versa. Similarly, language evolves generationally, so terms may still be used by an older generation that a younger generation views as outdated, particularly for self-description or self-identification. Finally, sometimes members within a single community disagree on the ‘right’ words to use, the meaning of certain words, or how harmful a word is.

Since our goal is to create a resource all students feel welcome to use, we strive to use the most inclusive and respectful language possible. We also know that we aren’t perfect. If you encounter problematic language in our collection or catalog, please use the feedback form to bring it to our attention.