Looking to see if Princeton subscribes to a journal or owns a book?
If Princeton does not own the book or is charged out:
If Princeton does not subscribe to the journal you need:
When looking for economic literature, remember the time line of publishing. If something happens today, you will first hear about it on the news, the Internet, and in newspapers. If the event is a major one, it may then show up in the weekly magazines such as The Economist. Scholars will begin to do research and first present their findings in working papers which are generally unpublished but will appear online. Eventually (often 1 to 3 years later), many of these working papers will be published in scholarly journals. Eventually books may appear. This timeline should help with determining whether or not one is likely to find books or other standard published materials OR if one will have to look at more unconventional forms of publishing.
Additional sources can be found on the Princeton University Library "databases" page.
Bobray Bordelon
Economics, Finance, & Data Librarian
Charissa Jefferson
Labor Librarian
Mary Carter
Finance and Operations Research Librarian