Documents on British Policy Overseas
Digital edition of material from Britain's Foreign and Commonwealth Office, documenting British foreign policy from the mid-19th century to the 1970's. Based on the printed editions.
British and foreign state papers
JX103 .B758
This print series documents British foreign policy for 1812/14 to 1977. Includes treaties. For diplomatic correspondence, see the Parliamentary sessional papers (for items presented to Parliament) or microfilm editions.
Chatham House Online Archive 1920-1979
Digital archive of a premier think-tank on international affairs and global policy covering a wide range of topics and all major world regions. Content includes briefing papers, special reports, pamphlets, conference papers, and monographs, as well as audio recordings (with searchable transcripts) of key figures in international affairs. Also includes access to the full text of Chatham House’s two flagship publications: International Affairs and The World Today. Coverage dates: 1920–1979.
Oriental question, 1840-1900 [microform]: files from the Royal Archives, Windsor Castle.
Microfilm 05589
38 reels
Printed guide: DA550.L47
"The history of British foreign relations in the 19th century is a record of shifting strategies, policies, and alignments....One issue of great importance for the direction of British policy in these years was the Eastern, or Oriental, Question-the problems brought about by the decline of the Ottoman Empire. With the balance of power in Europe at stake, the Eastern Question was a continuing diplomatic concern, and its significance is clearly seen in the correspondence, memoranda, and policy analyses found in the Royal Archives."
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print. Part I, From the mid-nineteenth century to the First World War. Series C, North America, 1837-1914
Oversize JX632 .B746 1986q
The Foreign Office "Confidential Print" series consists of reports, memos and correspondence printed for circulation within the Foreign Office. It is therefore of great value in understanding the inner workings of British foreign relations.
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print. Part I, From the mid-nineteenth century to the First World War. Series F, Europe, 1848-1914
Oversize JX632 .B75 1987q
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print. Part II, From the First to the Second World War. Series H, The First World War, 1914-1918
Oversize D621.G7 B75 1989q
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print. Part II, From the First to the Second World War. Series I, the Paris Peace Conference of 1919
Oversize D645 .B73 1989q
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print. Part II, From the First to the Second World War. Series F, Europe, 1919-1939
Oversize JZ632 .B756 1990q
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print. Part II, From the First to the Second World War. Series K, Economic affairs, cultural propaganda, and the reform of the Foreign Office, 1910-1939
Oversize JX632 .B774 1997q
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print. Part III, From 1940 through 1945. Series L, World War II and general
Oversize JZ632 .B7694 1998q
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print. Part II. From the First to the Second World War. Series J. The League of Nations, 1918-1941
JX632 .B773 1992q
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print. Part III, From 1940 through 1945. Series F, Europe
Oversize JZ632 .B766 1997q
British documents on foreign affairs--reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print. Part IV, From 1945 through 1950. Series F, Europe 1946
Oversize JZ632 .B776 1999q
British documents on foreign affairs: reports and papers from the Foreign Office confidential print. Part IV, From 1946 through 1950. Series M, International organizations, commonwealth affairs, and general, 1946
Firestone JZ632 .B7795 2000
Confidential Print: North America, 1824-1961
The Foreign Office "Confidential Print" series consists of reports, memos and correspondence printed for circulation within the Foreign Office. It is therefore of great value in understanding the inner workings of British foreign relations. For more information on this class, search the UK National Archives Catalogue for CO 885. Covers colonies generally, 1839-1918
Records of the British Legation in the United States for 1903- [microform]
RECAP 1457.404
1240 reels
Printed guide: none
Consists of Foreign Office records from FO 115. "This series contains general correspondence from the British embassy and consulates in the United States of America." The series covers 1791-1967.
Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations between the United States and Great Britain, 1910-29
RECAP 1096.406.92.13
15 reels
Originals held by U.S. National Archives as part of Record Group 59, General Records of the Dept. of State. See
British Foreign Office United States correspondence, 1946-1948 [microform]
56 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms E183.8.G7B74
"These files contain the dispatches, instructions, reports, memoranda, and other communications that flowed between the Foreign Office and the British embassy and consulates in the United States. The documents give a detailed view of British diplomacy at work and offer much information, gathered by a highly trained diplomatic corps, on internal political, economic, and social affairs in the United States. This microfilm edition, published through exclusive arrangement with the British Public Record Office, faithfully reproduces the organization and content of the Foreign Office Files."
Nixon Years, 1969-1974
Digital edition of FCO 7and FCO 82 files from The National Archives, Kew.
Empire and commonwealth [microform]: archives of the Royal Commonwealth Society from Cambridge University Library
Microfilm 11808
43 reels
Printed guide: none
The Royal Commonwealth Society was founded in 1896 "to provide a meeting place for gentlemen interested in colonial and Indian affairs." This collection has two parts: The colour question in imperial policy, 1830-1939 (reel 1-25) and Imperial & Commonwealth Conferences, c1887-1955 [i. e., 1870-1957] (reel 26-43). See empire_and_commonwealth_parts_1_and_2/Contents.aspx
Colonial discourses. Series two, Imperial adventurers and explorers [microform]
Microfilm 11843
15 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms G240 .C647
Pt. 1 consists of the papers of Sir Richard Burton (1821-1890) from the Wiltshire and Swindon Record Office. Burton was consul at Damascus, 1869-1871. See colonial_discourses_series_two_part_1/Contents.aspx
Confidential print: West Indies [Microform]
5 reels
Printed guide: none
The Foreign Office "Confidential Print" series consists of reports, memos and correspondence printed for circulation within the Foreign Office. It is therefore of great value in understanding the inner workings of British foreign relations. For more information on this class, search the UK National Archives Catalogue for CO 884. Covers the West Indies, 1787-1915.
Confidential print: Dominions [Microform]
6 reels
Printed guide: none
The Foreign Office "Confidential Print" series consists of reports, memos and correspondence printed for circulation within the Foreign Office. It is therefore of great value in understanding the inner workings of British foreign relations. For more information on this class, search the UK National Archives Catalogue for CO 886. Covers the Dominions, 1907-1925.
Confidential print Australia [microform]
14 reels
Printed guide: none
The Foreign Office "Confidential Print" series consists of reports, memos and correspondence printed for circulation within the Foreign Office. It is therefore of great value in understanding the inner workings of British foreign relations. For more information on this class, search the UK National Archives Catalogue for CO881. Covers Australia, 1833-1923.
Confidential print: Mediterranean [Microform]
5 reels
Printed guide: none
The Foreign Office "Confidential Print" series consists of reports, memos and correspondence printed for circulation within the Foreign Office. It is therefore of great value in understanding the inner workings of British foreign relations. For more information on this class, search the UK National Archives Catalogue for CO 883. Covers Malta, Cyprus, Gibraltar, and the Ionian Islands, 1848-1915. .
Confidential print: miscellaneous [Microform]
19 reels
Printed guide: none
The Foreign Office "Confidential Print" series consists of reports, memos and correspondence printed for circulation within the Foreign Office. It is therefore of great value in understanding the inner workings of British foreign relations. For more information on this class, search the UK National Archives Catalogue for CO 885. Covers colonies generally, 1839-1918.
The Dublin Castle Records 1798-1926 Archives Unbound "The Dublin Castle administration in Ireland was the government of Ireland under English and later British rule, from the twelfth century until 1922, based at Dublin Castle. Dublin Castle Records, 1798-1926 contains records of the British administration in Ireland prior to 1922, a crucial period which saw the rise of Parnell and the Land War in 1880 through to the establishment of the Irish Free State in 1921. This collection comprises materials from Series CO 904, The National Archives, Kew, UK."
Reproduces records relating to Africa from the British Foreign and Colonial Offices in the UK National Archives.
Reproduces records relating to the countries of the Arabian peninsula, the Levant, Iraq, Turkey and many of the former Ottoman lands in Europe, Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt and Sudan from the British Foreign and Colonial Offices in the UK National Archives.
Reproduces records relating to Canada, the Caribbean and the US from the British Foreign and Colonial Offices in the UK National Archives.