Cabinet Papers 1915-1978
Selections from the 20th century Cabinet Papers on the web site of the UK National Archives. Arranged by topic; searchable. CAB 23, CAB 24, CAB 65, CAB 66, CAB 67, CAB 68, CAB 128, CAB 129, CAB 181 and CAB 195.
Macmillan Cabinet Papers (1957-1963) CAB 128, CAB 129, CAB 134 (in part), PREM 11
CAB 37: Cabinet papers, 1880-1916 [microform]
48 reels
Printed guide: none
Microfilm of CAB 37/1-162. " This series consists of a collection of photographic copies of memoranda circulated to the Cabinet to the end of 1916 compiled from various official and private sources."
CAB 41: Cabinet letters in Royal Archives, 1868-1916 [microform]
12 reels
Printed guide: none
Microfilm of CAB 41/1-37. "This series consists of prints made from microfilm of letters in the Royal Archives at Windsor, written by Prime Ministers to the Sovereign to report proceedings at Cabinet meetings. The letters vary from brief statements of subjects discussed to more detailed accounts of arguments made and decisions reached. Most letters appear to have been written on the same day as the Cabinet meeting; but when a letter refers to a meeting on a previous day the series list shows the date of the meeting in square brackets.
The Papers of Neville Chamberlain Archives Unbound
From the University of Birmingham Library. Chamberlain was Prime Minister from 1937-1940.
CAB 50 & 51: Cabinet papers [microform]: complete classes from the CAB & PREM series in the Public Record Office. Series two, CAB 50 & 51, The papers of the Committee of Imperial Defence - papers of the Oil Board, 1925-1939 [and Middle East Questions, 1930-1939] (CAB 50/1-19 & CAB 51/1-11)
Microfilm 11674
13 reels
Printed guide: DA578 .C324
See digital_guides/cabinet_papers_series_2/CabinetPapersSeries2_index.aspx
CAB 128 & 129: Macmillan Cabinet Papers (1957-1963)
Cabinet papers [microform]: complete classes from the CAB & PREM series in the Public Record Office. Series three, CAB 128 & CAB 129, Cabinet conclusions & cabinet memoranda, 1945 and following.
Microfilm 10679
100 reels
Printed guide: CD1052.5 .A5
Covers the governments of Attlee, 1945-1951; Churchill & Eden, 1951-1957; Macmillan & Douglas-Home, 1957-1964; Wilson 1964-1970; Heath, 1970-1974. Online guides:
Cabinet reports by Prime Ministers to the Crown, 1868-1916
Microfilm 01708
13 reels
Printed guide: none
Microfilm reproduction of "the series of manuscript letters preserved in the Royal Archives at Windsor Castle." Cabinet letters at Windsor, 1868-1916, an index to the reports issued by the List and Index Society in 1965, filmed preceding the manuscripts.
Papers of the Prime Ministers of Great Britain
Available through interlibrary loan from the Center for Research Libraries.
Includes the papers of Lord Liverpool, Lord North, Spencer Perceval, William Pitt the Younger, Robert Peel, and the Duke of Newscastle.
Prime Minister’s correspondence: Sir Robert Peel, 1841-1846
6 reels
Printed guide: none
Reproduced from the original manuscripts in the Royal Library, Windsor Castle. See
Papers of William Ewart Gladstone [microform]
Microfilm 10297
195 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms DA563 .G522
Gladstone was Prime Minister 4 times in the second half of the 18th century. See
Churchill Archive
Online version of the archive at Churchill College, Cambridge. Comprises nearly 800,000 documents amassed by Winston S. Churchill throughout his life.
PREM 11: Macmillan Cabinet Papers (1957-1963)
Home Office class HO 42 [microform]: George III, correspondence, 1782-1820
Available through interlibrary loan from the Center for Research Libraries.
Originals held by the Public Record Office as Home Office class HO 42. Consists of letters and papers relating to government affairs, 1782-1820.
Intrigue, influence, and power in nineteenth century British politics [microform]: the papers of Sir James Graham, Home-Secretary, statesman, and reformer
Available through interlibrary loan from the Center for Research Libraries.
Graham was a 19th-century British politician. See
The Papers of Joseph Chamberlain Archives Unbound From the University of Birmingham Library, covers 1826-1914.
Papers of Sir Esme Howard, 1863-1939 British Online Archives "Esme Howard was one of the greatest British diplomatists in the first half of the twentieth century ... he was an adventurous traveler, an overseas entrepreneur, a war hero, in addition to his diplomatic achievements. An intimate of major political figures and members of various royal families, with a wide network of diplomatic friends, he conducted an active correspondence. His papers provide a vivid picture of life in late nineteenth and early twentieth century Britain, as well as providing a rich source of material on the shaping and conduct of British foreign and imperial policy."
The correspondence of Arthur C. Murray, 3rd Viscount Elibank British Online Archives "This correspondence is of interest to historians chiefly for the light it casts upon Anglo-American relations and the foreign policy of Franklin D Roosevelt. Arthur Murray was a Scottish Liberal MP from 1908 to 1923. Between 1910 and 1914 he was the Parliamentary Private Secretary of Sir Edward Grey, the Foreign Secretary in Asquith's Liberal Government. In 1917, having previously served in India and China then with distinction in France and Belgium as a Lieutenant-Colonel during the First World War, he was appointed Assistant Military Attaché to the British Embassy in Washington, D.C."
Northern Ireland: A Divided Community, 1921-1972 Cabinet Papers of the Stormont Administration Archives Unbound
Consists of the Cabinet Conclusion files of the Northern Ireland Government, filed as CAB/4 at the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI). These CAB/4 files contain a full record of every debate and transaction for the entire duration of the Stormont administration, the devolved government of Northern Ireland.