Archives of the British Conservative Party [microform]
Available through interlibrary loan from the Center for Research Libraries.
The Conservative Party has been a major force in British politics from the early 19th century through the present. The collection includes pamphlets, minutes, campaign guides, and other materials. "Conservative policy and attitudes to all major political issues and developments since 1868 are clearly charted. Constant concerns such as unemployment, housing, industry, agriculture, foreign affairs and education receive extensive coverage in all parts of this collection. Two World Wars, the rise of the Labour Party, the Depression--all major world events--are seen through the eyes of the Conservative Party machine."
Archives of the British Labour Party [microform]
Available through interlibrary loan from the Center for Research Libraries.
The Labour Party was founded in the late 19th century and continues to be a force in contemporary British politics. The collection consists of general correspondence and political records.
Archives of the Independent Labour Party, series one: pamphlets and leaflets
Microfiche 445
512 fiche
Printed guide: (FilmB) JN1129.I52 A723 1990
"The Independent Labour Party (ILP) was founded in 1893 by J. Keir Hardie, John Trevor and Robert Blatchford. Its principal purpose was the promotion of a direct labor representation in Parliament. It became the largest and most influential of British social organizations, and its history is, to a large degree, the story of the early growth of working-class political power. These pamphlets and leaflets [1893-1975] trace the development of labor thought and deal with the central political and social issues of the period: unemployment, trade unions, strike action, labor law, commercialism and child labor, education, poverty, women's suffrage, war, Parliamentary representation, conscription, disarmament and the nature of the "Labour" Party."
Independent Labour Party records, 1893-1960 in British Online Archives
National Executive Committee minutes of the Labour Representation Committee, 1900-06 and Labour Party since 1906 [microform]
Microfiche 131
889 fiches
Printed guide: Firestone JN1129.L32 A723 1990
See above. This is a part of the larger "Archives of the British Labour Party" set.
British Labour Party Research Department memoranda and information papers, 1941-1979 [microform]
Microfiche 1631
340 fiches
Printed guide: JN1129.L32 B747
"Part 1 of this microfiche project covers the Research Department Memoranda for the period July 1941 through to December 1961. The Memoranda are internal discussion papers. The Information Papers which were first produced by the Information Unit and its precursors from 1960 onwards, provide summaries on particular issues for public, party and media information purposes. Parts Two through to Five of this microfiche project will cover both the Research Department Memoranda from 1961 and the Information Papers from 1960 through to the General Election of 1979." We have parts 1 and 2, and the Center for Research Libraries holds part 4. See
British Labour Party papers, 1906/07-1993/94 British Online Archives "The Parliamentary Labour Party is the organisation of Labour members of Parliament (MPs) founded in 1906. Included in this collection are all the minutes of the Party Meetings, the Liaison Committee and the Parliamentary Committee (Shadow Cabinet) for the period 1906-1994." The collection is split into two modules, the first covering 1906-1969, and the second covering 1968-1994.
Liberal Party from Asquith to Ashdown, 1912-1988 British Online Archives "These papers begin two years before H. H. Asquith took Britain into World War 1 and conclude with David Steel's leadership of the Liberal Democrats. These records cover both internal discussions and the changing nature of electoral campaigning during the 20th century."
Pamphlets and leaflets of the Social Democratic Federation and the British Socialist Party, 1883-1931
Microfiche 509
173 fiche
Printed guide: none
"This comprehensive collection includes the pamphlets and leaflets of the Social Democratic Federation and the British Socialist Party, 1883-1931. The Social Democratic Federation was the first Marxist political organization founded in Britain. Includes individual collections at the Marx Memorial Library, London, and the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam."
The British Union of Fascists: newspapers and secret files British Online Archives "In addition to the three principal organs of BUF, Action (1936-1940), Blackshirt (1933-1939) and Fascist week (1933-1934), the present collection reproduces, from the National Archives at Kew, a wealth of information gathered by the Home Office, the Police, MI5 and the Cabinet Office on Mosley."