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Population Research

Resources for Population Research


Each country uses a different methodology to conduct its census, and data between countries are often not comparable. Also, many countries conduct their censuses in different years than the U.S. Click here (and scroll down) to find the date of the most recent census in a particular country and here for the latest questionnaires. 

To locate print volumes* of international census tabulations held by Princeton, go to the Princeton Library Catalog and perform a Subject (browse) search as follows: (country name) -- census. See also the Global Census Archive.  Increasingly, the most current census results are posted on a country's statistical agency website. Click here for a list of links to statistical agency websites, or see the National Statistical Offices and Central Banks Web Archive for archived versions of international statistical office web pages. 

United Nations Population and Vital Statistics Report - Contains the United Nations' most recent national level statistics on country population size (total, male and female) from the latest available census of the population, national official population estimates, and the number and rate (births, deaths and infant deaths) for the latest available year within the past 15 years. Also presents U.N. estimates of the mid-year population of the world, and its major areas and regions. 

Note: for information about international census microdata, see Princeton's Census Microdata Holdings, available from the Library's Data and Statistical Services collection. 

*To OCR scan a printed table and convert it to an Excel spreadsheet, see the Library's Data & Statistical Services.

International Population Census Microfilm Collection

Stokes Library holds the International Population Census Microfilm Collection. To determine if census materials for a particular country are available, see the publisher's guide. Under Collection List, choose International Population Census Publications. Once the PDF is downloaded, search for the country of interest.

For more detailed information about the microfilm holdings, see the following:


Handbook of National Population Censuses  - Documents the definitions, concepts, trends and contents of population censuses around the world. 

Africa and Asia. E. Domschke & D.S. Goyer. New york : Greenwood Press, 1986. 

Europe. D.S. Goyer & G.E. Draaijer. New York : Greenwood Press, 1992.

Latin America and the Caribbean, North America, and Oceania. D.S. Goyer & E. Domschke. 


Digital Archival Collections

National Statistical Offices and Central Banks Web Archive - Archived links to Country Statistical Office web pages containing census information for numerous countries beginning July, 2018

Census Reports - South Asia Open Archives - Censuses of India 1871-1951

Census Questionnaires

World Population Census Forms 1955-Present - Provided by IPUMS International