Statistics as well as full-text books, periodicals, and working papers published by the OECD, International Energy Agency, and the International Transport Forum.
Provides easy access to a wide variety of economic, social, and political indicators. Includes IMF's International Financial Statistics, Direction of Trade (1980+), Balance of Payments, and Government Finance Statistics. Data is also accessible through Data-Planet Statistical Ready Reference.
Provides international demographic, macro-economic and marketing statistics for 210 countries. Covers economic indicators, population trends, consumer and lifestyle information, country infrastructure, environment and more.
Access restricted to current Princeton University students, faculty and staff. Please login using your Princeton University netID/password.
Nationally-representative household surveys for individual countries. Includes data for a wide range of monitoring and impact evaluation indicators in the areas of population, health, and nutrition. Use the STATcompiler to make custom tables based on thousands of demographic and health indicators across more than 90 countries.
Estimates and projections for 228 countries and areas with a population of 5,000 or more and are recognized by the U.S. State Department from 1960-present. Includes population, fertility, mortality and migration.
Publication of the International Working Group on Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA). Compilation of narrative regional and country reports about indigenous peoples often including statistics.
Collection of statistical data from around the world, covering a wide range of socio-economic topics. Includes data collected between 1750-2010. Data tables can be downloaded as ePDFs and/or Excel files. Also know as the B.R. Mitchell books.
Nearly 2000 tables of statistical information on blacks in North America from colonial times until 1975. Subject-specific chapters are chronologically arranged and reflect developments in black history. Subjects include slavery, and the migration of blacks into the south between 1870 and 1910.
Comparative and historical data handbook covering demographic developments, and population and household structures for the countries of Western and Central Europe. All major fields of demographic change are covered: fertility, mortality, marriage, and divorce. Population figures are given for each population census by sex, civil status and age. Major demographic developments within the family are described providing a commentary on the main population structures and trends in Europe since the 19th century.
A comparative and historical data handbook presenting series data on demographic developments, population and household structures for the countries of western and central Europe. All major fields of demographic change are covered: fertility, mortality, marriage and divorce.
Consists of 77 statistical datasets covering China’s macro economy, financial markets, industry, trade, resources and social statistics. The database has a particularly strong focus on city and county statistics. The database allows creation of charts and maps as well as formatting and simple analysis. Data can be individually selected and downloaded in various formats: Statistics (Excel), charts (JPEG), maps (Excel, PDF, JPEG).
Socio-economic statistical facts and figures for India at the national and state level. ACCESS NOTE: Click on "Login", then "Through IP Login" to access. One concurrent user.
Digital archive of prefectural statistics on various categories such as population, agriculture, industry. These statistics have been collected annually in each prefecture since the Meiji period.