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Finding and using financial data at Princeton University

Guide to major sources of financial data available to Princeton University researchers for academic research.
Datastream International*

Up to date as well as historical international data on futures. Minimum frequency is typically daily. 


Available on the workstations located near Firestone A-13-J & Stokes Library. The modules for commodities, economics, equities, and futures are also available through WRDS. Part of Refinitiv Workspace.

Tick-by-tick Intraday Data*
Intraday data.  Includes futures data on currencies, equity indexes, grains, metals, interest rates, energy commodities, foods, fibers, & meats. Dates of vary (futures, indices).  Updated daily. User's manual includes many helpful tips. Available on Workstations 9 and 10 located near Firestone A-13-J.
Bloomberg* Up to date as well as historical (though generally not before 1989) international data on futures. Frequency varies but is typically daily for financial information and in some cases intradaily. Intradaily data is typically kept from 30 to 90 days only.  Downloading is extremely limited. Available on the workstations located near Firestone A-13-J, Robertson 046, Andlinger 211A, Master of Finance lounge in JRR, and Sherrerd lower level. 
Chicago Mercantile Exchange heating degree day (HDD) (9/22/99-1/15/2008) & cooling degree day (CDD) (10/06/2003-1/15/2008) end of day futures Closing information for CME weather-based futures & options contracts, based on heating degree day (HDD) & cooling degree day (CDD) values for various locations in the United States, Europe & Asia. DSS Servers

Futures - Web Sites

Also consider these organizations:

Futures - Notes

*Must be used for academic purposes only, that is, to support the teaching and research of Princeton University.

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