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Finding and using financial data at Princeton University

Guide to major sources of financial data available to Princeton University researchers for academic research.

Corporate Governance

See the FAQ for  Age, gender, ethnicity of executives 
BoardEx Extensive data on the boards of publicly listed & notable private companies in all regions of the world. Also see the BoardEx CRSP Compustat Link and the TR Insiders - Boardex Link. Available through WRDS.**
MSCI GMI Ratings Annual historical data for each proxy year beginning in 2001. Includes: corporate board structure & independence , director positions & committee assignments, executive & director compensation, audit fees, corporate ownership, & takeover defenses. Includes over 2,100 U.S. companies and over 38,000 directors. Formerly known as Board Analyst. Available through WRDS.**
ISS Riskmetrics. Governance and Directors Data. Incentive Lab.<

(formerly Investor Responsibility Research Center). Includes provisions for delays, protection, voting, antigreenmail, pension parachutes, poison pills, silver parachutes, & state laws. Governance data is 1990+ and based on the print publication Corporate takeover defenses (HD2746.5.C6745). Directors data includes information on the characteristics of Boards of Directors for 1996+.   Coverage for both datasets is S&P1500 members. 

Global Directors data is international in scope and is 2012+.

In addition, Princeton has data for U.S. Russell 3000 companies & select major global companies.  Directors data is for 2008-March 2022 & corporate takeover defense data for 2011-2018.

Incentive Lab covers USA (1998+) and Europe (2009+) executive compensation performance metrics, goals, and payout structure. 

Available through WRDS.** 

ISS - Voting Analytics - Mutual Fund Vote Records 

Provides voting records by mutual fund investment companies. 2003+ Available through WRDS.** 
ISS - Company Vote Results - USA U.S. mutual fund voting records for all institutions filing the SEC form N-PX. 2003+ Available through WRDS.** 
ISS - Company Vote Results - Global Global institutions covered by ISS outside SEC U.S. disclosures. 2013+ Available through WRDS.** 
ISS - Voting Analytics - Shareholder Proposals Shareholder Proposals for the Russell 3000. 2006+ Available through WRDS.** 
ISS - Shareholder Proposals - S&P 500 Access proposals that came to a vote as well as those that were withdrawn by the proponent or allowed to be omitted from the proxy by the SEC. Access lead filer of the proposal, the meeting date, and outcome. Voting Results: Analyze vote results at the company and proposal level and identify trends in corporate governance.  2006+ Available through WRDS.** 
CSMAR Corporate Governance* Provides profiles, annual emolument and number of share holdings of managerial staffs of China listed companies, changes of equity structure, changes of board chairman and general manager of listed companies and shareholders’ meetings of listed companies, as well as executive equity incentives of listed companies. Available on WRDS. For the most up to date data, see the native interface. Available through WRDS.** 

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)

MSCI ESG Corporate Governance Metrics  

Leading authority on socially conscious investment research on the environment, social issues, and corporate governance. Data coverage is international. Continues in part MSCI ESG KLD Stats (1991-2019) which covered the Domini Social 400 companies,   KLD was domestic USA only. For the constituents of the DS400 (inception through November 7, 2008) see the DSS page.  

RepRisk ESG
2007+.  Data on public and private companies, from all countries and sectors. Project-level data including mines, pipelines, factories, etc. Unique perspective on company performance and risk exposure – based on media, stakeholders, and 3rd party sources in 15 languages for environmental, social, and governance issues. Environmental issues include global pollution (including climate change and GHG emissions), impacts on ecosystems/landscapes, local pollution, overuse and wasting of resources, products (health and environmental issues), and waste issues.  Labor issues include child labor, discrimination in employment, executive compensation issues, forced labor, freedom of association and collective bargaining, and poor employment conditions.  Other social issues include animal mistreatment, controversial products and services, human rights abuses and corporate complicity, impacts on communities, local participation issues, social discrimination, violation of international standards, and violation of national standards.  Governance issues anti-competitive practices, corruption, bribery, extortion and money laundering, fraud, misleading communication, and tax evasion. 
Available through WRDS**. 
Refinitiv ESG ESG Scores from Refinitiv are designed to transparently and objectively measure a company’s relative ESG performance, commitment and effectiveness across 10 main themes (emissions, environmental product innovation, human rights, shareholders, etc.) based on publicly-reported data.  Important to note that this database is survivor biased.   If a company is acquired, the ESG information is for the acquiror not the target. Available through WRDS**.

Corporate News Analysis

See the faq for Sources for social media and publication text analysis
RavenPack News Analytics*

Analyzes unstructured content to extract information on named entities & financially relevant events.  Covers both equities & global macroeconomics. 

Dow Jones editions analyze relevant information from Dow Jones Newswires, regional editions of the Wall Street Journal, Barron's, & MarketWatch.

Web Edition processes hundreds of thousands of articles a day from leading publishers & web aggregators. Over 19,000 sources are continuously monitored including industry and business publishers, national & local news, blog sites, government & regulatory updates.

PR Edition analyzes news & information from the leading global media organizations. More than 100,000 press releases & regulatory disclosures are processed daily from a variety of news wires & press release distribution networks, including exclusive content from PRNewswire, Canadian News Wire, LSE Regulatory News Service, & others.

In RPA 1.0, one can find people, products, teams, currencies, with more events and entities detected, thousands of sources, and demonstrated improvements to financial models. 

Can filter by PRODUCT_KEY 
DJ-EQ Dow Jones Edition - Equities 2000+
PR-EQ PR Edition - Equities 2004+
WE-EQ Web Edition - Equities 2007+
DJ-GM Dow Jones Edition - Global Macro 2000+
PR-GM PR Edition - Global Macro 2004+
WE-GM Web Edition - Global Macro 2007+
Available through WRDS**. 



*Must be used for academic purposes only, that is, to support the teaching and research of Princeton University.
** WRDS requires user to validate through password. Must be used for academic purposes only, that is, to support the teaching and research of Princeton University.

Also consult the FAQs.