Lyndon B. Johnson (President 1963-1969)
A companion to Lyndon B. Johnson Firestone E846 .C59 2012
Richard M. Nixon (President 1969-1974)
A companion to Richard M. Nixon Firestone E856 .C66 2011
Papers of the Nixon Administration: The President’s Confidential and Subject Special Files, 1969-1974 Archives Unbound "This publication consists of documents of an administratively-sensitive nature, arranged according to subject from President Nixon’s Special Files collection, comprising the Confidential and Subject Files. These documents provide an in-depth look into the activities of the President, his closest advisors, and the administration. These records support the behind-the-scenes historical inquiry into an administration that may well be the most significant one since World War II and one of the most important in the 20th century. Source Library: Richard M. Nixon Presidential Library."