The Quest for Labor Equality in Household Work: National Domestic Workers Union, 1965-1979
Archives Unbound
"Records of the United Domestic Workers Union (U.S) from 1965-1979. The correspondence (1965-1979) reflects efforts in organizing the Union. ... The subject files (1967-1979) cover a myriad of topics illustrating the Union’s involvement in the Black community, the Manpower Program, the Career Learning Center, the Homemaking Skills Training Program, Maids Honor Day, the Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA), and various federal agencies. The collection contains minutes of the Union, the Citizen’s Advisory Committee on Transportation, the Citizens Neighborhood Advisory Council, and MARTA. The collection also contains selected files relating to Equal Opportunity Atlanta, which funded many of the Union’s projects."
American Bureau of Industrial Research [microform]: manuscript collections on the early American labor movement, 1862-1908
RECAP Microfilm 05861
12 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms HD6508.A53
Consists of material collected by the ABIR and archived at the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Includes manuscripts, pamphlets and articles documenting the activities of late nineteenth-century labor leaders and labor organizations, including the Knights of Labor.
Department of Justice investigative files [microform]. Part I. The Industrial Workers of the World
Microfilm 06455
15 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms HD8055 .D47
Consists of material from Record Group 60, U.S. Department of Justice, the National Archives, documenting federal investigations into the IWW, a radical labor organization that advocated a revolution against capitalism. Also documents public opinion of the IWW.
Southern Tenant Farmers' Union papers, 1934-1970 [microform]
RECAP Microfilm 06126
60 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms Z7164.T7S56
The STFU was organized in response to the plight of Southern sharecroppers and small farmers displaced by the New Deal. It came to represent not only black and white Southern tenant farmers, but farm workers in general. The papers document labor conditions on Southern farms, and the political, legal and advocacy activities of the union.
American labor unions’ constitutions and proceedings [microform]
Located in RECAP: Use in Firestone Microforms only.
481 reels
Reel no. 1 includes A guide to the microfilm edition. Part I: 1836-1974. See (Film B) Z7164.T7 A54 for further guides. For guide to MICROFICHE 2093, also consult (Film B) Z7164.T7 A54.
Covers 1836-1990
The Union Label and the Needle Trades: Records of the United Garment Workers of America Archives Unbound "This collection consists of two full series and one partial series from the Records of the United Garment Workers of America- Series I: Time and Motion Studies; Series III: Office Files, 1899-1994 —Meeting Minutes of the General Executive Board subseries; and, Series VIII: Index Card Files for plants and/or locals in. From the Southern Labor Archives, Georgia State University."
Farmworker Movement Documentation Project - records and oral histories of the United Farm Workers
Left of Liberalism: Marxist-Socialist Newspapers, 1900-2015: Newspapers published by communist, socialist, and Marxist organizations in the English-speaking world, addressing issues such as labor conditions, the working class, McCarthyism, labor unions, the and civil rights
Minutes of the Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor [microform]
RECAP Microfilm 09605
41 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms HD8055.A5 M568
Consists of records of the AFL. The collection documents not only the activities of the AFL, and the relations of the federated unions, but also labor issues in general. Online guide:
American Federation of Labor records [microform]
RECAP Microfilm 05599
55 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms HD8055.A5 S72 1985
Consists of material from the "strikes and agreements" file, 1898-1953, which documents the AFL's relations with local unions throughout the U.S. and in many industries.
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations. AFL and CIO pamphlets, 1889-1955
Available through interlibrary loan from the Center for Research Libraries.
[19 reels]
American Federation of Labor records [microform]: the Samuel Gompers era
RECAP Microfilm 11807
144 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms HD8055.A5W57
Consists of records of the AFL, including minutes and letterbooks, and the files of the office of the President. Most of the material dates from the first quarter of the 20th century. On Gompers, see
Samuel Gompers and the American Federation of Labor. Collection 2, American Federation of Labor and the unions [microform]: national and international union records from the Samuel Gompers era
RECAP Microfilm 11806
5 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms HD8055.A5 A68
Consists of correspondence between Gompers, president of the AFL, and other national and international unions (e.g. the United Mine Workers and the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union) plus additional records documenting those unions. On Gompers, see
Samuel Gompers letterbooks 1883-1924; William Green letterbooks, 1925
Available through interlibrary loan from the Center for Research Libraries.
" This set includes chiefly the outgoing correspondence of Samuel Gompers, first President of the American Federation of Labor and his successor, William Green, for 1925. Gompers' letterbooks ( aka copybooks) document a wide variety of labor issues and include correspondence with local and national organizers, heads of American foreign trade unions, members of Congress and U.S. president." [343 reels]
William Green papers, 1891-1952 [microform]
Microfilm 07252
21 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms Z6616.G73 G73
Green was a labor leader and President of the AFL from 1924 to his death in 1952. The paper in this collection, from the Ohio Historical Society, contain his personal correspondence. See
State labor proceedings, AFL, CIO and AFL-CIO conventions, 1885-1974
Available through interlibrary loan from the Center for Research Libraries.
Printed guide: Firestone HD8055.A6 F564 1975
" This microfiche edition of some 2,000 state convention proceedings summarizes unnion deliberations and includes officers' and financial reports, resolutions, elections of officers, and executive council minutes. Organized labor's attitudes toward a wide variety of political and social issues are well documented in these proceedings." [3,693 fiches]
FBI file on Cesar Chavez and United Farm Workers [microform]
Microfilm 11870
2 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms HD6509.C48 F25 1996
Materials from the FBI file on Cesar Chavez, founder of the United Farm Workers and activist for social justice for Mexican-American immigrants and migrant workers. This material is also available in a digital edition at For a brief biography of Chavez, see
FBI file on John L. Lewis [microform]
Microfilm 11817
2 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms HD6509.L4 F24
Materials from the FBI file on John L. Lewis, labor organizer and president of the United Mine Workers of America from 1920-1960. For a brief biography of Lewis, see