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U.S. economic, business and labor history

Before World War II

U.S. Commission on Industrial Relations, 1912-1915 [microform]
RECAP Microfilm 05615
16 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms HD6971.S34
From RG 174, Department of Labor, National Archives. The Commission was charged with investigating "the general condition of labor" in the United States. See

President's Mediation Commission, 1917-1918 [microform]
RECAP Microfilm 05613
3 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms HD5504.S34 1986
Consists of material from Record Group 174, Department of Labor. The Commission was established as a response to strikes that affected the war effort, and to public anti-union activism. See

Papers of the National War Labor Board, 1918-1919 [microform]
RECAP Microfilm 05614
22 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms KF3444.A75S34
The establishment of the War Labor Board was the outcome of the Mediation Commission (see above). The Board was given authority to oversee labor disputes, and the papers consist primarily of case reports.

Black workers in the era of the great migration, 1916-1925 [microform]
RECAP Microfilm 05597
25 reels
Printed guide: none
Consists of materials from the National Archives that document conditions in the South and the North during the early 20th century, when many African Americans migrated from the rural South to the urban North. Online guide:

Strike files of the U.S. Department of Justice [microform]
RECAP Microfilm 09822
20 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms HD5324 .U547
Consists of material from Record Group 60, U.S. Department of Justice, the National Archives, documenting the federal reponse to strikes. Includes correspondence from business leaders, labor leaders, and the general public, in addition to federal documents. See

New Deal agencies and black America in the 1930s [microform]
Microfilm 05473
25 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms E185.61.L47
The materials in this collection were drawn from a number of record groups in the National Archives, and document the experiences of African Americans in the workforce in the 1930s.

New Deal economic policies [microform]
Microfiche 1604
476 microfiches
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms HC106.3 .N482
Consists of congressional, presidential and Supreme Court material documenting the New Deal from inception through implementation.

Records of the Committee on Fair Employment Practices [microform]: Division of Review and Analysis : part 1, Racial tension file, 1943-1945
RECAP Microfilm 11991 and
9 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms HD8081.A65 S55 2006
Consists of material from Record Group 228, National Archives. See

After World War II

National economy under President Johnson: administrative histories History Vault
Duplicates Microfilm 09659
Consists of materials from the Johnson Presidential Library on a variety of economic issues. Online guide:

War on poverty, 1964-1968 [microform]: selections from the holdings of the Lyndon B. Johnson Library History Vault
Duplicates Microfilm 05645

United States v. AT&T [microform]: court documents, 1974-1984
Microfilm 05636
30 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms KF2849.A5 U547
Consists of the court documents from the landmark antitrust case, which ended the AT&T monopoly on telephone service in the U.S.

Savings and Loan Crisis: Loss of Public Trust and the Federal Bailout, 1989-1993
Material from the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library. Part of the Archives Unbound series.

Records of the U.S. Department of Labor, 1961-1963 [microform]
RECAP Microfilm 11856
70 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms HD8072.5 .G853 1990z
Records of the Department of Labor during the Kennedy administration. Issues addressed include unemployment compensation, labor disputes, and the amendment of the Fair Labor Standards Act. The originals are held in the Kennedy Presidential Library.

Records of the Women's Bureau of the Department of Labor, 1918-1965 [microform]
RECAP Microfilm 10548
23 reels
Printed guide: Firestone Microforms HD6095 .R426
The Women's Bureau was established to investigate and improve conditions for women working outside the home. The collection includes reports, surveys, and articles written by Bureau staff. See

African American business, entrepreneurship and the Commerce Department [microform]: records of the Office of the Secretary’s Advisor on Negro affairs, 1940-1953. RECAP Microfilm 12538 or printed guide at Firestone Microforms HD2358.5 .U6 2012

The war on poverty and the Office of Economic Opportunity [microform] -- Part 2: Community profiles. [1]. Western States (20 reels), [2]. Midwestern States (51 reels), [3]. Southern States (56 reels), [4]. Northeastern States (11 reels), [5]. Texas (13 reels), [6]. New England/Mid-Atlantic States (19 reels). Microfilm 12478 and guides at,,,,

U.S. National Economy. Unpublished Documentary Collections from the U.S. Department of the Treasury, Parts 4 and 5 (1961-1977) History Vault