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SPI 402d: Strengthening Democracy and Governance in Developing Countries

Stokes Viz Hub

Stokes Viz Hub Offers data analysis workshops and quantitative (R and Stata) and qualitative data analysis consultations.

Data and Statistical Services (DSS)

Data and Statistical Services (DSS) can assist you with analyzing a variety of types of data.

The DSS Lab offers open hours Monday through Friday from 1pm-5pm starting January 29th. You can schedule an appointment with an individual consultant or take a look at their data analysis guides.

Maps and Geospatial Information Center

The Maps and Geospatial Information Center provides access to geospatial data, digital map services and geographic information systems (GIS), as well as GIS training and support.

If you need help mapping your data, please contact the GIS Librarian:

DSS Data Analysis Guides

DSS Getting Started in Data Analysis Tutorials include information about many of the frequently used data analysis procedures in R and Stata.

Exploring R @ Princeton

Exploring R @ Princeton is a webpage that links to many self-directed resources for learning R, as well as information about campus R resources, including workshops, research consultations and computing resources.