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Chemical and Biological Engineering Open Repositories

Information on open data repositories in Chemical and Biological Engineering

What are open repositories?

Open repositories are infrastructure that provides an open license and persistent identifier to ensure research materials such as data and articles are accessible, discoverable, and reusable.

Why should I use an open data repository?

Open data repositories enable research data to become a part of the permanent scientific record. Open data has benefits for individual researchers, the research community, and society. Benefits include:

  • Data will be preserved and easily citable
  • Open data can increase citation rates, impact, and visibility of research
  • Funders and many journals require data be made publicly available
  • Improves reproducibility and replicability
  • Can facilitate new science and provide educational/training resources

What should I consider when selecting a repository?

Discipline specific repositories should be used where suitable options are available. A sampling of repositories for Chemical and Biological Engineering is available using the menu on the left. Disciplinary repositories provide inter-connections and richer metadata which can lead to improved discoverability and preservation. Additionally, look for repositories that provide the following:

  • Follows FAIR Principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable)
  • Adheres to funder's requirements
  • Allows for metadata that will help your data be easily found
  • Has functionality that meets your data's needs