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Chemical and Biological Engineering Open Repositories

Information on open data repositories in Chemical and Biological Engineering


The repositories presented here are not a complete list but represent a selection of repositories related to research conducted by the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at Princeton. Search for more disciplinary research repositories. If a disciplinary repository is not available in your field the Open Access Repository at Princeton and Princeton Data Commons are available for all Princeton research products.

Open Access Repositories

IUPAC Databases Listing - IUPAC offers several electronic databases that facilitate the search and retrieval of the output of its research activities.

Living Archive for Process Systems Engineering (LAPSE) Open access repository and pre-print server for Process System Engineering. Materials in LAPSE can be linked to other research products to create maps of a research program or connect lecture materials to original research.  Deposit of models, simulations, and code are also encouraged.

Types of research materials: Pre-prints, post-prints, publisher versions of open-access articles, conference presentations, course materials, lecture slides, technical white papers.

arXiv Free distribution service and an open-access archive for scholarly articles in physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering, systems science, and economics.

BioRxiv Free online archive and distribution service for unpublished preprents in the life sciences. It is operated by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

ChemRxiv Free distribution and archive service for unpublished preprints in chemistry and related areas.



Open Data Repositories

BioModels Database is a repository of mathematical models of biological and biomedical systems.

Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) is a repository of crystal structure data for organic compounds, metal-organic compounds, and inorganic compounds.  Datasets can be deposited through journal arrangement or directly by individuals. Deposit with CSD is required by six ACS journals including Journal of the American Chemical Society, Crystal Growth and Design, and, Inorganic Chemistry. Visit for information on access to Princeton's license of the advanced interface WebCSD.

Type of Data: CIF, HKL, RES, FCF, Word

Recommend by: ACS

Worldwide Protein Data Bank: Repository of information about the 3D structures of proteins, nucleic acids, and complex assemblies. Member agencies include:



NIST Materials Data Repository: The U.S. National Institute for Standards and Technology hosts the Materials Data Repository in coordination with the Materials Genome Initiative.