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A Library Research Guide for Geosciences


Welcome to the Research Guide for Geosciences

This guide will assist you in conducting library research and in using the Princeton University Library resources and services. Use the tabs to start exploring the variety of tools and resources to assist you with your research. If you have any questions about basic or in-depth library research relating to climate science, geochemistry, geology, geophysics, and(or) paleoclimate, please contact me at 

Thank you, and enjoy the day !


Meet Our Specialists – Emily Wild 


Research sources for geosciences information

GeoRef – What is it? Subscription index to the international geological literature. Covers journal articles, books, conference proceedings, and a wide variety of publications indexed by special bibliographies from international, national and regional geological surveys and societies. 

GeoScienceWorld – What is it? Open-access index to international geosciences research by using GeoRef records. Subscription content for ebooks and ejournals. 

AAPG Datapages – What is it? An open-access index to AAPG publications and the publications for geologic/geosciences societies, includes open-access and subscription access to ebooks and ejournals 

  • Content partners: 
  • Search by group or region, for example: Canada Group, Gulf Coast Group (USA), North Atlantic Margins, Pacific & Asia Group, Rocky Mountain Group (USA), Russia and Eastern Europe, South & Central America, Southwestern Group (USA), West Coast Group (USA)

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Central Library

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) – non-regulatory natural science agency in the Department of the Interior of the U.S. Government

USGS near real-time data:

USGS online publications - reports, journal articles, book chapters, etc. : 

USGS search "everything at once option" : 

USGS open data catalog : 

USGS geologic maps database : ; catalog text search:  ; catalog map view search :

USGS Lexicon and Stratigraphy : U.S. Geologic Names Lexicon ("Geolex"), a National compilation of names and descriptions of geologic units. 

USGS & AASG Guidelines and Geologic Map Standards : 

USGS topographic maps : catalog search :  ; catalog map view search :

USGS Mineral Resources Online Spatial Data: 

USGS Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Center : 

International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Atomic Weights: 

USGS Atomic Weights Research: 

USGS Minerals Information : 

USGS Energy Resources :


Scopus – What is it? Citation database with abstracts and linked references.

Web of Science – What is it? Citation database with abstracts and linked references.

Library Catalog (the Books+ tab on the library website, – What is it? Index of all the books and journals owned or subscribed to by Princeton University Library. Tip - to find journals do a “Journal Title” search in the catalog.


Chemistry, Geosciences and Environmental Studies Librarian

Profile Photo
Emily Wild
212 Lewis Science Library