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Joann Donatiello

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Joann Donatiello
Stokes Library
061 Wallace Hall
Princeton University
Joann Donatiello is the Population Research Librarian located at Stokes Library. She assists with accessing international and domestic population census and vital statistics publications, as well as materials about demography, health statistics and health policy.

Prior to her arrival at Princeton in 2004, Joann started the library at Rutgers' Center for State Health Policy; served as the Government Documents and Special Collections Librarian at Monmouth University; worked as a quantitative and qualitative researcher and project director in the United States and Europe; and was an assistant lobbyist for an allied health care organization. Joann holds an M.L.S. degree and an M.A. in Political Science (with specializations in survey research and public policy) from Rutgers University, and a B.A. from Drew University. She has published journal articles, book reviews, and encyclopedia entries and serves on the Board of Directors of APLIC, the Association of Population Libraries and Information Centers. Her interests include demographic trends, immigration, immigrant populations, and health disparities.

My Guides

Last update: Aug 5, 2024 27 views
Health Policy
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Last update: Mar 1, 2024 125 views
Population Research
Last update: Aug 29, 2024 3835 views
Last update: Dec 15, 2023 64 views
Last update: Apr 19, 2024 131 views