Archivo de sobrevivientes de los centros clandestinos de detención en Argentina, 1976-1983. [Microfiche]
Argentina: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]
Argentina, 1975-1980: The Making of U.S. Human Rights Policy. Digital National Security Archive. [Digital]
Border and Migration Studies Online. Argentina and its Borders. [Digital]
Bunkley Research on Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, 1940s. [Special Collections]
Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Argentina, internal affairs, 1945-1949. [Microfilm]
Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Argentina, 1950-1954: internal affairs... and... foreign affairs. [Microfilm]
Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Argentina, 1955-1959: internal affairs... and foreign affairs. [CRL Microfilm]
Despatches from United States consuls in Buenos Aires, 1811-1906. [Microfilm]
England - Argentina Trade Collection, 1859-1885. [Special Collections]
Folletos socialistas Buenos Aires. 1912-1916. [Microfilm]
Great Britain. Foreign Office. General Correspondence before 1906. F.O. 6. Buenos Aires (later Argentine Republic), 1823-1905. [CRL Microfilm]
Great Britain. Foreign Office. Embassy and consular archives. Argentine Republic. Correspondence, 1820-1965. [CRL Microfilm]
Gyula Kosice Studio Archive Collection. [Marquand Library Rare]
James Edward Calhoun Correspondence, 1827-1843. [Special Collections]
Latin American anarchist and labour periodicals Online. [Digital]
Latin American and Iberian pamphlets. I, 1802-1950. Group 1. Argentina. [Microfilm]
Publicaciones del Partido Comunista de la Argentina, 1917-2007. [Special Collections]
Publicaciones políticas y culturales argentinas, 1900-1986: series I, II y III. [Microfilm]
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Argentina, 1910-1929. [CRL Microfilm]
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Argentina, 1930-1939. [CRL Microfilm]
Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Argentina, 1940–1944. [Digital]
Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to internal affairs of Argentina, 1960-1963. [Microfilm]
Socialismo Argentino: Periódicos, revistas, libros, folletos, declaraciones, públicas, documentos internos, actas de congresos y volantes (1894-2009). [Special Collections]
U.S. military intelligence reports: Argentina, 1918-1941. [Rutgers Microfilm]
Despatches from United States consuls in Belize, 1847-1906. [CRL Microfilm]
Bolivia: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]
Bolivian photographs, 1912. [Special Collections]
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Bolivia, 1910-29. [CRL Microfilm]
Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Affairs, U.S. and Bolivia, 1945–1959. [Digital]
The Black press of Brazil = a imprensa negra no Brasil: a collection of 31 titles spanning 1916-1969... [Microfilm (digitized for library use only)]
Brazilian and Portuguese history and culture. The Oliveira Lima Library. [Digital]
Brazil: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]
Brazil's popular groups, 1966-1986. [Digital and Microfilm]
Brazil's popular groups, Supplements: 1987-1989; 1990-1992; 1993; 1994; 1995; 1996; 1997; 1998; 1999; 2000; 2001; 2002; 2003; 2004; 2005; 2006; 2007; 2008; 2009; 2010; 2011; 2012; 2013. [Microfilm]
[After Supplement 2013, pieces have been digitized and added to Digital Archive of Latin American and Caribbean Ephemera]
Codex Ceará or registry of correspondence between Governor Luiz da Motta Feo e Torres and authorities of captaincy and the minister of colonies, 1789-1794. [Special Collections]
"Codex Diamond" or "Book of Registry of Meetings and Resolutions of the Board of Administration of the Royal Extraction of Diamonds in Tejuco" (1781-1795). [Special Collections]
Codex monita secreta : manuscript, ca. 1705-1732. [Special Collections]
Confidential Print: Latin America, 1833-1969. Records from the British Foreign Ofice in the UK National Archives. [Digital]
Despatches from United States consuls in Bahia, 1850-1906. [Microfilm]
Despatches from United States consuls in Pernambuco, 1817-1906. [Microfilm]
Despatches from United States consuls in Rio de Janeiro, 1811-1906. [Microfilm]
Diamond trade manuscript, ca. 1776. [Special Collections]
Diary and journal of an English tradesman, 1822. [Special Collections]
Documents on Slavery in Brazil, 1758-1888. [Special Collections]
Ephemera socialist and communist publications of Brazil. [CRL Microfilm]
Ferdinand Denis letters and manuscripts, 1847-1882 [Special Collections]
Folk literature from northeast Brazil: Literatura de Cordel, 1957-2010. Series I-V. [Special Collections]
Fundo Abdias Nascimento. [CRL Microfilm]
Great Britain. Foreign Office. General correspondence before 1906: Brazil. [Microfilm]
Great Britain. Foreign Office. Registers and indexes of general correspondence: Brazil. [Microfilm]
Henry Hill Collection, 1808-1839. [Special Collections]
Imperial Brazilian Mining Co. Gongo Soco gold mine ledger, 1840-1844. [Special Collections]
James Edward Calhoun Correspondence, 1827-1843. [Special Collections]
Journal of a voyage from Norfolk towards Rio de Janeiro on board the Brig 'Don Juan': manuscript, 1847 / kept by H. V. Weakley. [Special Collections, Digital]
Latin American anarchist and labour periodicals Online. [Digital]
Lund, John Knowles, "A Voyage to the Amazon" manuscript, 1902-03. [Special Collections, Digital]
Madeira-Mamoré́ expeditions collection, 1875-1914. [Special Collections, Digital]
Mouchez, Ernest Amédée Barthélemy, Letters from a hydrographic expedition to Brazil, 1866 May 20-August 27 [Special Collections]
Partido dos Trabalhadores: historical archives: coleção de recortes de jornais e revistas. 1980-2003. [Microfilm]
Princeton University Library Collection of Mucker Materials. [Special Collections, Digital]
Princeton University Library Collection on Slavery in the Americas, 1700-1863. [Special Collections]
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Brazil, 1910-29. [CRL Microfilm]
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Brazil, 1930-1939. [CRL Microfilm]
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Brazil, 1940-1944. [CRL Microfilm]
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Brazil, 1945-1949. [CRL Microfilm]
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Brazil, 1960-1963. [Microfilm]
Regimento das Marcês : manuscript, 1755. [Special Collections]
Ribeiro de Avellar Family Plantation Records, 1797-1858. [Special Collections]
Rubber Development Corporation, Amazon Division Records, 1942-1945. [Special Collections Mudd]
Slavery, abolition & social justice [Digital]
Stamo Papadaki Papers, 1922-1990. [Special Collections]
Bunkley Research on Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, 1940s. [RBSC]
Chile: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]
Chile Photographic File, 1984-1990. [RBSC]
Colección Archivo Fotográfico de la Protesta en Chile. [Digital]
Despatches from United States consuls in Valparaíso, 1812-1906. [Microfilm]
Latin American anarchist and labour periodicals Online. [Digital]
Latin American and Iberian pamphlets. I, 1802-1950. Group 6. Chile. [Microfilm]
The papers of Gabriela Mistral. Ser.4. Special correspondence. [Microfilm]
Pikoenelojo Stencil Collection [Special Collections] See blogspot.
Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Chile, 1940-1944. [Microfilm]
Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Chile, 1945-1949. [Microfilm]
Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to internal affairs of Chile, 1950-1954. [Microfilm]
Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to internal affairs of Chile, 1955-1959. [Microfilm]
Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to internal affairs of Chile, 1960-1963. [Microfilm]
Samuel Chavkin Papers, 1974-1994. [RBSC]
Collection of 137 Colombian fanzines, 2017-2022. [Special Collections]
Colombia: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]
Despatches from United States consuls in Cartagena, Colombia 1822-1906. [Microfilm]
Despatches from United States consuls in Sabanilla, 1856-1884. [CRL Microfilm]
La Linterna poster Collection in 3 parts: Colección Afro y Pacífico; Colección Salsa; Colección Andrés Caicedo. [Special Collections]
New Granada Slavery Collection, 1757-1812. [Special Collections]
Notes from the Colombian legation in the U.S. to the Department of State, 1810-1906. [CRL Microfilm]
Records of the Department of State (U.S.) relating to internal affairs of Colombia, 1910-29. [CRL Microfilm]
Broadcast transcripts of Radio Rebelde, July 1957-Dec. 1958. [Microfilm and Special Collections]
Carlos Franqui Collection, 1952-1981. [Special Collections]
Caribbean documents collection, 1699-1959. Slavery and anti-slavery: a transnational archive. [Digital]
Cedula providing identification information for Tirso Casanova, a Chinese "indentured servant" in Cuba, 1863 July 13. [Special Collections]
Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Cuba, 1945-1949: internal affairs and foreign affairs. [Microfilm]
Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Cuba, 1950-1954: internal affairs and foreign affairs. [Microfilm]
Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Cuba, 1955-1959: internal affairs and foreign affairs. [Microfilm]
Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Cuba, 1960-January 1963. Internal affairs. [Microfilm]
Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Cuba, 1960-January 1963. Foreign affairs. [Microfilm]
Cuba and the American sugar trade, 1897-1920: Braga Brothers Collection. [Microfilm]
Cuba and the American sugar trade, 1921-1943: Braga Brothers Collection. [Microfilm]
Cuba: Documents Related to Slavery, 1854, 1864, 1868, 1885 [Special Collections]
Cuba: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]
The Cuban connection: a potpourri of revolutionary ephemera, 1957-1978. [Microfilm]
Cuban culture and cultural connections, 1959-. Casa de las Américas. [Digital]
Cuban exile collection: radio transcripts. [Microfilm]
Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962. Digital National Security Archive. [Digital]
Cuban post-revolutionary music imprints collection. [Mendel Music Library]
Cuban writers protest and dissent, 2007. [Special Collections]
Despatches from United States consuls in Cienfuegos, 1876-1906. [Microfilm]
Despatches from United States consuls in Havana, 1783-1906. [Digital]
Despatches from United States consuls in Matanzas, 1820-1899. [Microfilm]
Despatches from United States consuls in Santiago de Cuba, 1799-1906. [Microfilm]
Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Cuba, 1902–1906. [Digital]
Documents of the Movimiento 26 de Julio, May 1957-December 1958. [Microfilm and Special Collections]
Feminism in Cuba: Nineteenth through Twentieth Century Archival Documents. [Digital]
Originally microfilmed as Stoner Collection on Cuban Feminism.
Fidel Castro Photographs Collection, 1950s-1980s. [Special Collections]
Foreign Office (Great Britain) files for Cuba. Part 1: Revolution in Cuba, 1959-1960. [Microfilm]
Foreign Office (Great Britain) files for Cuba. Part 2: Cuba and the Bay of Pigs Invasion, 1961. [CRL Microfilm]
Foreign Office (Great Britain) files for Cuba. Part 3: The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962. [CRL Microfilm]
France. Ministère des Affaires Etrangères. Correspondance commerciale, Santiago de Cuba (1824-1901). [Microfilm]
France.Ministère des Affaires Etrangères. Correspondance consulaire, La Havane (1817-1849). [Microfilm]
James Edward Calhoun Correspondence, 1827-1843. [Special Collections]
The John F. Kennedy national security files, 1961-63. Latin America. First supplement, Cuba. [Digital]
Latin American anarchist and labour periodicals Online. [Digital]
Manuscript documenting an early draft of the constitution for "El Colegio de Niñas Educandas de San Francisco de Sales", 1685 January 28. [Special Collections]
Manuscript of Preparations for the Execution of a Cuban Freed Person, 1849-1850. [Special Collections]
Materials related to Fidel Castro's Visit to Princeton, 1959 [Special Collections]
Photograph album of the Magin Cigar Company Tobacco Plantation in Cuba, circa 1900. [Special Collections]
Postcards of Cuba (2,387 specimens). [Special Collections]
Records of the Department of State (U.S.) relating to internal affairs of Cuba, 1910-29. [Microfilm]
Roberto Gottardi - Papeles [Special Collections]
Slavery, abolition & social justice [Digital]
"Souvenir d'un voyage à l'île de Cuba", 1837-38. Frédéric Gaillardet Manuscripts [Special Collections]
Spanish Military Documents Relating to 19th Century Cuba. [Special Collections]
Walter Houk Collection of Ernest Hemingway, 1946-2010. [Special Collections]
Confidential U.S. diplomatic post records. Central America. El Salvador, 1930-1945. [CRL Microfilm]
Confidential U.S. State Department central files. El Salvador, 1950-1954: internal affairs and foreign affairs. [Microfilm]
El Salvador: the making of U.S. policy, 1977-1984. Digital National Security Archive. [Digital]
El Salvador: war, peace and human rights, 1980-1994. Digital National Security Archive. [Digital]
FBI file on the American churchwomen killed in El Salvador, December, 1980. [Digital]
El Salvador: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm (digitized)]
Joaquín Villalobos - Archivo de la insurgencia salvadoreña
Records of the Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Central America, 1930–1949. [Digital]
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of El Salvador, 1910-1929. [CRL Microfilm]
Records of the Department of State relating to political relations between El Salvador and other states, 1910-29. [CRL Microfilm]
Alexander Chambers Papers 1864-1938. [Special Collections]
Central American printed ephemera collection. From the Latin American Library, Tulane University. [Microfilm]
Civil war, society and political transition in Guatemala: the Guatemala News and Information Bureau Archive, 1963-2000. [Special Collections, Microfilm, Digital]
Note: Finding aid describes content of original archive and its microfilm reproduction. Digital collection includes all of Part 1 (Ephemera).
Despatches from United States Consuls in Antigua, 1794-1906. [Microfilm]
The Guatemala Collection, 1824-1948. [Digital]
Microfilm collection of manuscripts on Middle American cultural anthropology. [Microfilm]
Miscellaneous public documents of the Central American Confederation, 1820-1844. [Special Collections]
Miscellaneous public documents of Guatemala, 1848-1881. [Special Collections]
Guatemala: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]
Guatemala’s 1985 elections: documents of the U.S. Dept. of State. [Microfilm]
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Guatemala, 1910-29. [CRL Microfilm]
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Guatemala, 1930-1944. [CRL Microfilm]
Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Guatemala, 1945-1949. [Microfilm]
Records of the Department of State Relating to the Internal Affairs of Guatemala, 1950–1963. [Digital]
Note: Unclear if this digital collection reproduces the three microfilm sets listed below completely or just partially.
Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to internal affairs of Guatemala, 1950-1954. [Microfilm]
Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to internal affairs of Guatemala, 1955-1959. [Microfilm]
Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to internal affairs of Guatemala, 1960-1963. [Microfilm]
Aubrey Janion photographs of Haiti, circa 1952. [Special Collections]
Byron Coroneos press photographs of Haiti 1946-1955. [Special Collections]
Despatches from United States consuls in Cap Haitien, 1797-1906. [Microfilm]
Despatches from United States consuls in Port-au-Prince, 1835-1906. [CRL Microfilm]
Despatches from United States ministers to Haiti, 1862-1906. [CRL Microfilm]
Estillac Plantation Records 1665-1813. 1752-1783. [Special Collections]
Eugene Maximilien Haitian collection, 1847-1933. [Microfilm]
Faure Family Coffee Plantation Correspondence and Inventory 1761-1770. [Special Collections]
General Pierre Quantin (1759-1824) Letter to General Jean-Louis Ferrand (1758-1808) Concerning the Saint-Domingue Expedition. [Special Collections]
Haiti: miscellaneous collections, 1748-1970. [Digital]
Haiti: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]
Illustrated souvenir album of Haiti: comprising the leading business houses and views of the republic,1895. [Special Collections, Descriptive blogpost]
Kurt Fisher collection, 1728-1862. [Digital]
Letter to Madame Chaussée à Nantes with News of the Haitian Revolution, 1802. [Special Collections]
Records of the Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Haiti, 1910-29. [CRL Microfilm]
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Haiti, 1930-1939. [CRL Microfilm]
Records of the Department of State relating to political relations between Haiti and other states, 1910-29. [CRL Microfilm]
Slavery, abolition & social justice [Digital]
Alexander Chambers Papers 1864-1938. [Special Collections]
Honduras: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]
Records of the Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Central America, 1930–1949. [Digital]
Records of the Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Honduras, 1910-29. [CRL Microfilm]
Revolution in Honduras and American business: the quintessential "Banana Republic". [Digital]
Jamaica: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]
Jamaican material in the Slebech papers. [Digital]
Papers relating to the Jamaican estates of the Goulburn family of Betchworth House. [Digital]
Photography album documenting the Morant Bay Rebellion in Jamaica (1865), the Indian Northwest Frontier Hazara Campaign (1867-1870), views of Malta, Ireland, Guernsey, Spain, and elsewhere. [Special Collections]
Plantation Life in the Caribbean. Pt. 1, Jamaica, c. 1765-1848 : the Taylor and Vanneck-Arcedeckne papers from Cambridge University Library and the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London. [CRL Microfilm and some digital]
Princeton University Library Collection on Slavery in the Americas, 1700-1863. [Special Collections]
Slavery, abolition & social justice [Digital]
Achille François Bazaine Correspondence, 1862-1866. [Special Collections]
Asamblea de Artistas Revolucionarios de Oaxaca (ASARO) prints and posters. [Special Collections, Descriptive blogpost]
Bertrand de Moleville counterrevolution papers, 1805. [Special Collections]
Border and Migration Studies Online. Mexico and the United States. [Digital]
British Foreign Office correspondence on Mexico. 1919-1958. [Microfilm]
Colección Revolución, 1910-1921. [Digital]
Collection of Leon Trotsky negatives and materials. [Special Collections, Descriptive blogpost]
Comintern Archives: files of the Communist Party of Mexico. [Microfilm]
Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Mexico, 1955-1959: internal affairs. [Microfilm]
Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Mexico, 1955-1959: foreign affairs. [Microfilm]
Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Mexico, 1960-January 1963. Foreign affairs. [Microfilm]
Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Mexico, 1960-January 1963. Internal affairs. [Microfilm]
Cuartel General del Sur, 1910-1925. [Digital]
Despatches from United States consuls in Mexico City, 1822-1906. [Microfilm]
Despatches from United States consuls in Veracruz, 1822-1906. [Microfilm]
Diaries of Frans and Gertrude Blom, 1943-1959. [Special Collections]
Emiliano Zapata, 1901-1919. [Digital]
Félix Candela Papers. [Special Collections]
Hacienda San Diego (Mexico) Records, 1634-1902. [Special Collections]
Heath Bowman Papers, 1923-1989. [Special Collections]
Hugh Gelston Correspondence, 1823-1824. [Special Collections]
Independent Mexico in newspapers, the 19th century. [CRL Microfilm]
Indians of Chiapas, Mexico, Film Negatives Collection, 1946-1964. [Special Collections]
Información sistemática, clippings archive, 1975-82. [Microfiche]
Isabel Magee Sherman Papers, 1900-1913. [Special Collections]
Iturbe e Iraeta Papers, 1754-1878. [Special Collections]
Juan Pascoe and Taller Martín Pescador collection of books, broadsides and ephemera. [Special Collections, Descriptive blogpost]
Latin American anarchist and labour periodicals Online. [Digital]
Latin American and Iberian pamphlets. I, 1802-1950: Mexico - group 15A-B. [Microfilm]
Letters from King Philip IV of Spain to his Viceroy in New Spain (present-day Mexico), Luis Enríquez de Guzmán, 1651-1653. [Special Collections]
Mariano Riva Palacio archive. [Microfilm]
Mesoamerican Manuscripts at Princeton [Special Collections, Digital]
Mexican and Central American political and social ephemera, 1980-1991. [Digital]
Mexican archives of New Mexico, 1821-1846. [Microfilm]
Mexican manuscripts from the Poole Sale. Includes manuscripts relating to the Iturbe e Iraeta family. [Microfilm]
Mexican Postcards Collection, 1890-2000. [Special Collections]
Mexican textbooks in indigenous languages. [Special Collections]
Mexican [tourism] ephemera collection. [Special Collections]
Mexico-United States counternarcotics policy, 1969-2013. [Digital]
Microfilm collection of manuscripts on Middle American cultural anthropology. [Microfilm]
Miguel de la Madrid collection of Mexican government documents and publications. [Microfiche]
Mexico: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]
The Papers of Agustín de Iturbide, 1799–1880. [Digital]
Photograph Album: "Abastecimiento de agua potable. Tanaco, Michoácan", 1942 mayo. [Special Collections]
Prieto and Maíz Family Business Records. 1760-1974. [Special Collections]
Primary Source Periodicals. Classic Mexican Cinema. [Digital]
Rafael Fuentes Papers, 1928-1966. [Special Collections]
Records of colonial Tlalpujahua (Michoacan, Mexico), 1562-1903. [Special Collections]
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Mexico, 1910-29. [Microfilm]
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Mexico, 1930-1939. [Digital]
Records of the Department of State relating to political relations between the United States and Mexico, 1910-29. [CRL Microfilm]
Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to political relations between the United States and Mexico, 1930-1944. [CRL Microfilm]
Revolution in Mexico, the 1917 Constitution, and its aftermath: records of the U.S. State Department. [Digital]
Selected Papers of George Alexander Thompson, 1797-1828. [Special Collections]
Spanish Archives of New Mexico, 1621-1821, in the Archives of the State of New Mexico Records Center. [Microfilm]
Taller de Gráfica Popular prints and posters. [Special Collections and digital]
The William Gates Collection of Yucatecan Letters, 1778-1863. [Microfilm]
Confidential U.S. diplomatic post records: Central America: Nicaragua, 1930-1945. [Digital]
Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Nicaragua, 1945-1949: internal affairs and foreign affairs. [CRL Microfilm]
Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Nicaragua, 1950-1954: internal affairs and foreign affairs. [Microfilm]
Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Nicaragua, 1955-1959: internal affairs and foreign affairs. [Microfilm]
The Iran-Contra Affair: the making of a scandal, 1983-88. Digital National Security Archive. [Digital]
Mexican and Central American political and social ephemera, 1980-1991. [Digital]
Nicaragua: the making of U.S. policy, 1978-1990. Digital National Security Archive. [Digital]
Nicaragua: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm (Solidarity groups section digitized for in library use only)]
Nicaragua: political instability and U.S. intervention, 1910-1933. [Digital]
Records of the Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Central America, 1930–1949. [Digital]
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Nicaragua, 1910-29. [CRL Microfilm]
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Nicaragua, 1930-1944. [CRL Microfilm]
Sergio Ramírez Papers, 1916-2005. [Special Collections]
Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Panama: subject-numeric files, 1963-1966. [Microfilm]
Crises in Panama and the Dominican Republic: National Security Files and NSC histories. [Digital]
Panama: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]
Pamphlets on the Panama Canal, 1886-1928. [Microfilm]
Collection of ephemera from the Peruvian insurrection, 1960-1989. First series. [Microfilm digitized and Special Collections]
Collection of ephemera from the Peruvian insurrection, 1960-1989. Second series. [Microfilm digitized and Special Collections]
Sendero Luminoso: a collection of pamphlets, serials, fliers, and party congresses, 1962-1985. [Microfilm digitized]
Documenting the Peruvian insurrection. [Microfilm]
Note: This title contains the three collections listed above and 1980-85 issues of El Caballo Rojo.
Despatches from United States consuls in Callao, 1854-1906. [Microfilm]
Despatches from United States consuls in Lima, 1823-54. [Microfilm]
Izcue y Arias (Firm) Records, 1786-1842. [Special Collections]
Latin American and Iberian pamphlets. I, 1802-1950: Peru - group 17. [Microfilm]
Latin American pamphlets from the Yale University Library: Peru. [Microfiche]
Libro de Cabildos. Lima, Peru. 1534-1820? [Microfilm]
Manuscript Concerning Túpac Amaru and the Early Independence Movements in Peru, 1781-1785. [Special Collections]
Peru: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]
Peru: Human Rights, Drugs and Democracy, 1980-2000. Digital National Security Archive. [Digital]
Real Asiento de Minas de Plata de Rivera de Caylloma, 1786-1789 (manuscript map, table, letters and documents) [Special Collections digitized]
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Peru, 1910-1929. [Microfilm]
Ruedas, Jeronimo de, and Others, Report to King Charles III of Spain on Indigenous Revolutionary Movements in South America, 1781 June 15 [Special Collections digitized]
Documenting the Portuguese revolution, 1962-1994. [Microfilm and Special Collections]
Manuscript Concerning the Portuguese Trade of Enslaved African People, circa 1575. [Special Collections]
Regimento das Marcês : manuscript, 1755. [Special Collections]
A la izquierda: the Puerto Rican movement : newspapers, periodicals, bulletins ... [Microfilm]
Arcadio Díaz Quiñones Papers. [Special Collections]
Archivo de Alma Concepción, 1939-2021. [Special Collections]
Charters and incorporation papers of the South Porto Rico Sugar Company, 1900-1955. [Microfilm]
The compact of permanent union: records of the U.S. Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Puerto Rico, 1973-1975. [Microfilm]
Despatches from United States consular representatives in Puerto Rico, 1821-1899. [Microfilm]
Correspondance consulaire commerciale, Porto Rico.1824-1901. France.Ministère des Affaires Etrangères. [Microfilm]
Federal surveillance of the Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño. [Digital]
La Impresora: San Juan, Puerto Rico Fine Press, chapbook, zine & poster collection. [Special Collections]
Artists' books subseries | Chapbooks subseries | Posters subseries
Lorenzo Homar Collection. [Special Collections and Digital]
Lorenzo Homar Correspondence [Special Collections]
Manuscript: "Apuntes sobre la ley de abolición de la esclavitud en Puerto Rico de 22 de marzo de 1873", 1873 April. [Special Collections]
Puerto Rican Music Collection [Mendel Music Library]
Puerto Rican slave documents, 1867-1872. [Digital]
Puerto Rico: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]
Registro central de esclavos, 1872 = Slave schedules, 1872. [CRL Microfilm]
Ruth M. Reynolds papers. [Microfilm]
Slavery, abolition & social justice [Digital]
The Blodgett collection of Spanish Civil War pamphlets. [Microfiche]
Charles Carroll Marden Collection of Spanish Documents, 1347-1887. [Special Collections]
Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Spain. Internal affairs 1930-1939. [Microfilm]
Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Spain. Foreign affairs, 1930-1939. [Microfilm]
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Spain, 1910-1929. [CRL Microfilm]
Despatches from United States consuls in Barcelona, 1797-1906. [Microfilm]
Despatches from United States consuls in Bilbao, 1791-1875. [Microfilm]
Despatches from United States consuls in Cadiz, 1791-1904. [Microfilm]
Despatches from United States consuls in Málaga, 1793-1906. [Microfilm]
Despatches from United States consuls in Valencia, Spain, 1816-1906. [Microfilm]
La Guerra Civil Española = the Spanish Civil War collection. [Microfilm]
Indignados/15M Movement Collection from Spain [Digital and Special Collections]
María de Navas Satires, 1695. [Special Collections]
Spanish and Catalan legal documents, 1634-1758: collection. [Special Collections]
Spanish and Catalan political transition publications, 1959-1977. [Microfilm]
Spanish and Catalan political transition publications, 1968-1983. [Special Collections]
Spanish Civil War pamphlet collection at Princeton University Library. [Microfiche]
Spanish drama of the Golden Age: the Comedia collection in the University of Pennsylvania Libraries. [Microfilm]
Spanish political and economic transition groups, 1940s-1980s. [Microfilm and Special Collections]
Spanish political and economic transition groups, 1940s-1980s. Supplement. [Microfilm and Special Collections]
James Edward Calhoun Correspondence, 1827-1843. [Special Collections]
Latin American anarchist and labour periodicals Online. [Digital]
Uruguay: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]
Uruguay’s Consejo de Estado: documents, 1972-1980. [Microfilm and Special Collections]
General Correspondence before 1906. F.O. 51. Republic of Uruguay (formerly Monte Video), 1823-1905. [CRL Microfilm]
British Online Archives. [Digital]
Caribbean: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]
Caribbean documents collection, 1699-1959. Slavery and anti-slavery: a transnational archive. [Digital]
Latin American and Iberian pamphlets. I, 1802-1950: Group 4A. Caribbean. [Microfilm]
Plantation Life in the Caribbean. Pt. 1, Jamaica, c. 1765-1848 : the Taylor and Vanneck-Arcedeckne papers from Cambridge University Library and the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London. [CRL Microfilm and some digital]
Princeton University Library Collection on Slavery in the Americas, 1700-1863. [Special Collections]
Slavery, abolition & social justice [Digital]
British parliamentary papers: Central and South America, 1800-1899. [Microfiche]
Central America: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]
Central American printed ephemera collection. Collections from the Latin American Library, Tulane University. [Microfilm]
Latin American Pamphlets from the Yale University Library: miscellaneous (Central and South America). [Microfiche]
Mexican and Central American political and social ephemera, 1980-1991. [Digital]
Microfilm collection of manuscripts on Middle American cultural anthropology. [Microfilm]
Miscellaneous public documents of the Central American Confederation, 1820-1844. [Special Collections]
Miscellany of Central American periodicals and newspapers. [Microfilm]
Records of the Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Central America, 1930–1949. [Digital]
British parliamentary papers: Central and South America, 1800-1899. [Microfiche]
British Online Archives. [Digital]
Heath Bowman Papers, 1923-1989. [Special Collections]
Latin American Pamphlets from the Yale University Library: miscellaneous (Central and South America). [Microfiche]
Manuscript documenting itineraries through South America, circa 1855. [Special Collections]
Ruedas, Jeronimo de, and others, Report to the King Charles III of Spain on Indigenous Revolutionary Movements in South America, 1781 June 15. [Special Collections]
Simón Bolívar letter, 1828 August 24. [Special Collections]
Slavery, abolition & social justice [Digital]
Age of Exploration. [Digital]
Bertrand de Moleville counterrevolution papers, 1805. [Special Collections]
CIA research reports. Part 8: Latin America (1946-1976). [Microfilm]
Conquistadors: the struggle for colonial power in Latin America, 1492-1825. [Digital]
Digital Archive of Latin American and Caribbean Ephemera [Digital]
Foreign relations between Latin America and the Caribbean States, 1930-1944. [Digital]
Note: Originally microfilmed as Records of the Department of State relating to U.S. Political Relations with Latin America and the Caribbean.
Human Rights Documents Online. [Digital]
The Jewish communities of Latin America: Spanish language newspapers from Mexico, Argentina, Peru and Uruguay. [Microfilm]
John F. Kennedy National Security Files, 1961-1963: Latin America. [Digital]
John F. Kennedy National Security Files, 1961-1963: Latin America, First Supplement. [Digital]
Latin America: special studies, 1962-94. [Microfilm]
Latin America, 1998-2002 supplement. [Microfilm]
Latin America: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]
Latin American anarchist and labour periodicals, 1880-1940. [Digital]
Latin American and Iberian Biographies. [Digital]
Latin American and Iberian Pamphlets. I, 1802-1950. [Microfilm]
Latin American Posters Collection [Digital]
Latin American Prints and Posters Collection [Special Collections]
Lyndon B. Johnson National Security Files. Latin America:1963-69. [Microfilm]
Organization of American States. Documentos oficiales = Official records. 1960-1975. [Microfiche]
O.S.S./State Department intelligence and research reports. Pt. 14: Latin America, 1941-1961. [Microfilm]
Pre-Columbian Stamp Seals and Roller Seals Collection, Pre-Columbian era - 1600 A.D. [Special Collections]
Princeton's Latin American Ephemera Collection [Microfilm, Special Collections and Digital]
Princeton University Library Collection on Slavery in the Americas, 1700-1863. [Special Collections]
Program in Latin American Studies Records. Princeton University. [Mudd]
Records of the Department of State Relating to the First Panama Congress, 1825–1827. [Digital]
Robert L. Ross Collection of Latin American Medals and Orders
Slavery, abolition & social justice [Digital]
The Yale University Collection of Latin American Manuscripts, Parts 1–7. [Digital]