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Primary Sources & Special Collections: Latin America, Spain and Portugal : Primary Sources by Country and Region

Country or Region


Archivo de sobrevivientes de los centros clandestinos de detención en Argentina, 1976-1983. [Microfiche]

Argentina: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]

Argentina, 1975-1980: The Making of U.S. Human Rights Policy.  Digital National Security Archive. [Digital]

Border and Migration Studies Online. Argentina and its Borders. [Digital]

Bunkley Research on Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, 1940s. [Special Collections]

Confidential Print: Latin America, 1833-1969. Records from the British Foreign Ofice in the UK National Archives. [Digital]

Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Argentina, internal affairs, 1945-1949. [Microfilm]

Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Argentina, 1950-1954: internal affairs... and... foreign affairs. [Microfilm]

Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Argentina, 1955-1959: internal affairs... and foreign affairs. [CRL Microfilm]

Despatches from United States consuls in Buenos Aires, 1811-1906. [Microfilm]

England - Argentina Trade Collection, 1859-1885. [Special Collections]

Folletos socialistas Buenos Aires. 1912-1916. [Microfilm]

Great Britain. Foreign Office. General Correspondence before 1906. F.O. 6. Buenos Aires (later Argentine Republic), 1823-1905. [CRL Microfilm]

Great Britain. Foreign Office. Embassy and consular archives. Argentine Republic. Correspondence, 1820-1965. [CRL Microfilm]

Gyula Kosice Studio Archive Collection. [Marquand Library Rare]

James Edward Calhoun Correspondence, 1827-1843. [Special Collections]

Latin American anarchist and labour periodicals Online. [Digital]

Latin American and Iberian pamphlets. I, 1802-1950. Group 1. Argentina. [Microfilm]

Latin American Independence: Nineteenth Century Political and Official Pamphlets from the British Library. [Digital]

Publicaciones del Partido Comunista de la Argentina, 1917-2007. [Special Collections]

Publicaciones políticas y culturales argentinas, 1900-1986: series I, II y III. [Microfilm]

Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Argentina, 1910-1929. [CRL Microfilm]

Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Argentina, 1930-1939. [CRL Microfilm]

Records of the Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs of Argentina, 1940–1944. [Digital]

Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to internal affairs of Argentina, 1960-1963. [Microfilm]

Socialismo Argentino: Periódicos, revistas, libros, folletos, declaraciones, públicas, documentos internos, actas de congresos y volantes (1894-2009). [Special Collections]

U.S. military intelligence reports: Argentina, 1918-1941. [Rutgers Microfilm]


The Black press of Brazil = a imprensa negra no Brasil: a collection of 31 titles spanning 1916-1969... [Microfilm (digitized for library use only)]

Brazilian and Portuguese history and culture. The Oliveira Lima Library. [Digital]

Brazil: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]

Brazil's popular groups, 1966-1986. [Digital and Microfilm]

Brazil's popular groups, Supplements:  1987-19891990-199219931994; 19951996; 19971998; 1999; 2000; 2001; 20022003200420052006; 2007200820092010201120122013[Microfilm]
[After Supplement 2013, pieces have been digitized and added to Digital Archive of Latin American and Caribbean Ephemera]

Codex Ceará or registry of correspondence between Governor Luiz da Motta Feo e Torres and authorities of captaincy and the minister of colonies, 1789-1794. [Special Collections]

"Codex Diamond" or "Book of Registry of Meetings and Resolutions of the Board of Administration of the Royal Extraction of Diamonds in Tejuco" (1781-1795). [Special Collections]

Codex monita secreta : manuscript, ca. 1705-1732. [Special Collections]

Confidential Print: Latin America, 1833-1969. Records from the British Foreign Ofice in the UK National Archives. [Digital]

Despatches from United States consuls in Bahia, 1850-1906. [Microfilm]

Despatches from United States consuls in Pernambuco, 1817-1906. [Microfilm]

Despatches from United States consuls in Rio de Janeiro, 1811-1906. [Microfilm]

Diamond trade manuscript, ca. 1776. [Special Collections]

Diary and journal of an English tradesman, 1822. [Special Collections]

Documents on Slavery in Brazil, 1758-1888. [Special Collections]

Ephemera socialist and communist publications of Brazil. [CRL Microfilm]

Ferdinand Denis letters and manuscripts, 1847-1882 [Special Collections]

Folk literature from northeast Brazil: Literatura de Cordel, 1957-2010. Series I-V. [Special Collections]

Fundo Abdias Nascimento. [CRL Microfilm]

Great Britain. Foreign Office. General correspondence before 1906: Brazil. [Microfilm]

Great Britain. Foreign Office. Registers and indexes of general correspondence: Brazil. [Microfilm]

Henry Hill Collection, 1808-1839. [Special Collections]

Imperial Brazilian Mining Co. Gongo Soco gold mine ledger, 1840-1844. [Special Collections]

James Edward Calhoun Correspondence, 1827-1843. [Special Collections]

Journal of a voyage from Norfolk towards Rio de Janeiro on board the Brig 'Don Juan': manuscript, 1847 / kept by H. V. Weakley. [Special Collections, Digital]

Latin American anarchist and labour periodicals Online. [Digital]

Lund, John Knowles, "A Voyage to the Amazon" manuscript, 1902-03. [Special Collections, Digital]

Madeira-Mamoré́ expeditions collection, 1875-1914. [Special Collections, Digital]

Mouchez, Ernest Amédée Barthélemy, Letters from a hydrographic expedition to Brazil, 1866 May 20-August 27 [Special Collections]

Partido dos Trabalhadores: historical archives: coleção de recortes de jornais e revistas. 1980-2003. [Microfilm]

Princeton University Library Collection of Mucker Materials. [Special Collections, Digital]

Princeton University Library Collection on Slavery in the Americas, 1700-1863. [Special Collections]

Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Brazil, 1910-29. [CRL Microfilm]

Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Brazil, 1930-1939. [CRL Microfilm]

Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Brazil, 1940-1944. [CRL Microfilm]

Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Brazil, 1945-1949. [CRL Microfilm]

Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Brazil, 1960-1963. [Microfilm]

Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations Between the U.S. and Brazil, 1945–1959. [Digital]

Regimento das Marcês : manuscript, 1755. [Special Collections]

Ribeiro de Avellar Family Plantation Records, 1797-1858. [Special Collections]

Rubber Development Corporation, Amazon Division Records, 1942-1945. [Special Collections Mudd]

Slavery, abolition & social justice [Digital]

Stamo Papadaki Papers, 1922-1990. [Special Collections]


Broadcast transcripts of Radio Rebelde, July 1957-Dec. 1958. [Microfilm and Special Collections]

Carlos Franqui Collection, 1952-1981. [Special Collections]

Caribbean documents collection, 1699-1959. Slavery and anti-slavery: a transnational archive. [Digital]

Cedula providing identification information for Tirso Casanova, a Chinese "indentured servant" in Cuba, 1863 July 13. [Special Collections]

Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Cuba, 1945-1949: internal affairs and foreign affairs. [Microfilm]

Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Cuba, 1950-1954: internal affairs and foreign affairs. [Microfilm]

Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Cuba, 1955-1959: internal affairs and foreign affairs. [Microfilm]

Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Cuba, 1960-January 1963. Internal affairs. [Microfilm]

Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Cuba, 1960-January 1963. Foreign affairs. [Microfilm]

Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Cuba, February 1963-1966. Part 1. Political, governmental, and national defense affairs. [Microfilm]

Cuba and the American sugar trade, 1897-1920: Braga Brothers Collection. [Microfilm]

Cuba and the American sugar trade, 1921-1943: Braga Brothers Collection. [Microfilm]

Cuba: Documents Related to Slavery, 1854, 1864, 1868, 1885 [Special Collections]

Cuba: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]

The Cuban connection: a potpourri of revolutionary ephemera, 1957-1978. [Microfilm]

Cuban culture and cultural connections, 1959-. Casa de las Américas. [Digital]

Cuban exile collection: radio transcripts. [Microfilm]

Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962. Digital National Security Archive. [Digital]

The Cuban missile crisis revisited: an international collection of documents, from the Bay of Pigs to the brink of nuclear war. Digital National Security Archives. [Digital]

Cuban post-revolutionary music imprints collection. [Mendel Music Library]

Cuban writers protest and dissent, 2007. [Special Collections]

Despatches from United States consuls in Cienfuegos, 1876-1906. [Microfilm]

Despatches from United States consuls in Havana, 1783-1906. [Digital]

Despatches from United States consuls in Matanzas, 1820-1899. [Microfilm]

Despatches from United States consuls in Santiago de Cuba, 1799-1906. [Microfilm]

Despatches From U.S. Ministers to Cuba, 1902–1906. [Digital]

Documents of the Movimiento 26 de Julio, May 1957-December 1958. [Microfilm and Special Collections]

Feminism in Cuba: Nineteenth through Twentieth Century Archival Documents. [Digital]
Originally microfilmed as Stoner Collection on Cuban Feminism.

Fidel Castro Photographs Collection, 1950s-1980s. [Special Collections]

Foreign Office (Great Britain) files for Cuba. Part 1: Revolution in Cuba, 1959-1960. [Microfilm]

Foreign Office (Great Britain) files for Cuba. Part 2: Cuba and the Bay of Pigs Invasion, 1961. [CRL Microfilm]

Foreign Office (Great Britain) files for Cuba. Part 3: The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962. [CRL Microfilm]

France. Ministère des Affaires Etrangères. Correspondance commerciale, Santiago de Cuba (1824-1901). [Microfilm]

France.Ministère des Affaires Etrangères. Correspondance consulaire, La Havane (1817-1849). [Microfilm]

Hojas de servicios militares de América, años 1785-1815. Archivo General de Simancas. Sección Secretaría de Guerra. Vol. 2, Cuba. Años 1786-1809. Legajos 7259-7265. [Microfilm]

James Edward Calhoun Correspondence, 1827-1843. [Special Collections]

The John F. Kennedy national security files, 1961-63. Latin America. First supplement, Cuba. [Digital]

José Francisco de Trasobares y de los Cobos Manuscript, "Memoria sobre las causas que se han opuesto á la abolicion de la esclavitud en nuestras Antilas y plan para conseguirla en un periodo de diez años presentada al Gobierno Provisional y previnida por este con una Encomienda de Carlos 3º en fabor de José Fo. de Trasobares." [Special Collections]

Latin American anarchist and labour periodicals Online. [Digital]

Manuscript documenting an early draft of the constitution for "El Colegio de Niñas Educandas de San Francisco de Sales", 1685 January 28. [Special Collections]

Manuscript of Preparations for the Execution of a Cuban Freed Person, 1849-1850. [Special Collections]

Materials related to Fidel Castro's Visit to Princeton, 1959 [Special Collections]

Photograph album of the Magin Cigar Company Tobacco Plantation in Cuba, circa 1900. [Special Collections]

Postcards of Cuba (2,387 specimens). [Special Collections]

Records of the Department of State (U.S.) relating to internal affairs of Cuba, 1910-29. [Microfilm]

Records of the Department of State relating to political relations between the U.S. and Cuba, 1910–1929. [Digital]

Roberto Gottardi - Papeles [Special Collections]

Slavery, abolition & social justice [Digital]

"Souvenir d'un voyage à l'île de Cuba", 1837-38. Frédéric Gaillardet Manuscripts [Special Collections]

Spanish Military Documents Relating to 19th Century Cuba. [Special Collections]

Walter Houk Collection of Ernest Hemingway, 1946-2010. [Special Collections]


Alexander Chambers Papers 1864-1938. [Special Collections]

Central American printed ephemera collection. From the Latin American Library, Tulane University. [Microfilm]

Civil war, society and political transition in Guatemala: the Guatemala News and Information Bureau Archive, 1963-2000. [Special Collections, Microfilm, Digital]
Note: Finding aid describes content of original archive and its microfilm reproduction. Digital collection includes all of Part 1 (Ephemera).

Death Squads, Guerrilla War, Covert Operations, and Genocide: Guatemala and the United States, 1954-1999. Digital National Security Archive. [Digital]

Despatches from United States Consuls in Antigua, 1794-1906. [Microfilm]

The Guatemala Collection, 1824-1948. [Digital]

Microfilm collection of manuscripts on Middle American cultural anthropology. [Microfilm]

Miscellaneous public documents of the Central American Confederation, 1820-1844. [Special Collections]

Miscellaneous public documents of Guatemala, 1848-1881. [Special Collections]

Guatemala: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]

Guatemala’s 1985 elections: documents of the U.S. Dept. of State. [Microfilm]

Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Guatemala, 1910-29. [CRL Microfilm]

Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Guatemala, 1930-1944. [CRL Microfilm]

Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Guatemala, 1945-1949. [Microfilm]

Records of the Department of State Relating to the Internal Affairs of Guatemala, 1950–1963. [Digital]
Note: Unclear if this digital collection reproduces the three microfilm sets listed below completely or just partially.

Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to internal affairs of Guatemala, 1950-1954. [Microfilm]

Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to internal affairs of Guatemala, 1955-1959. [Microfilm]

Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to internal affairs of Guatemala, 1960-1963. [Microfilm]

Records of the Department of State relating to political relations between the U.S. and Guatemala, 1945–1959. [Digital]



Aubrey Janion photographs of Haiti, circa 1952. [Special Collections]

Byron Coroneos press photographs of Haiti 1946-1955. [Special Collections]

Despatches from United States consuls in Cap Haitien, 1797-1906. [Microfilm]

Despatches from United States consuls in Port-au-Prince, 1835-1906. [CRL Microfilm]

Despatches from United States ministers to Haiti, 1862-1906. [CRL Microfilm]

Estillac Plantation Records 1665-1813. 1752-1783. [Special Collections]

Eugene Maximilien Haitian collection, 1847-1933. [Microfilm]

Faure Family Coffee Plantation Correspondence and Inventory 1761-1770. [Special Collections]

General Pierre Quantin (1759-1824) Letter to General Jean-Louis Ferrand (1758-1808) Concerning the Saint-Domingue Expedition. [Special Collections]

Haiti: miscellaneous collections, 1748-1970. [Digital]

Haiti: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]

Illustrated souvenir album of Haiti: comprising the leading business houses and views of the republic,1895. [Special Collections, Descriptive blogpost]

Kurt Fisher collection, 1728-1862. [Digital]

Letter to Madame Chaussée à Nantes with News of the Haitian Revolution, 1802. [Special Collections]

Records of the Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Haiti, 1910-29. [CRL Microfilm]

Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Haiti, 1930-1939. [CRL Microfilm]

Records of the Department of State relating to political relations between Haiti and other states, 1910-29. [CRL Microfilm]

Records of the Department of State relating to political relations between the United States and Haiti, 1910-29. [Digital]

Records of the Department of State relating to political relations between the United States and Haiti, 1945–1959. [Digital]

Slavery, abolition & social justice [Digital]


Achille François Bazaine Correspondence, 1862-1866. [Special Collections]

Asamblea de Artistas Revolucionarios de Oaxaca (ASARO) prints and posters. [Special Collections, Descriptive blogpost]

Bertrand de Moleville counterrevolution papers, 1805. [Special Collections]

Border and Migration Studies Online. Mexico and the United States. [Digital]

British Foreign Office correspondence on Mexico. 1919-1958. [Microfilm]

Colección Revolución, 1910-1921. [Digital]

Collection of Leon Trotsky negatives and materials. [Special Collections, Descriptive blogpost]

Comintern Archives: files of the Communist Party of Mexico. [Microfilm]

Confidential Print: Latin America, 1833-1969. Records from the British Foreign Ofice in the UK National Archives. [Digital]

Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Mexico. Internal affairs, 1945-1949. Part 1. Political, governmental, and national defense affairs. [Microfilm]

Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Mexico, 1955-1959: internal affairs. [Microfilm]

Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Mexico, 1955-1959: foreign affairs. [Microfilm]

Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Mexico, 1960-January 1963. Foreign affairs. [Microfilm]

Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Mexico, 1960-January 1963. Internal affairs. [Microfilm]

Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Mexico, February 1963-1966. Part 1. Political, governmental, and national defense affairs. [Microfilm]

Cuartel General del Sur, 1910-1925. [Digital]

Despatches from United States consuls in Mexico City, 1822-1906. [Microfilm]

Despatches from United States consuls in Veracruz, 1822-1906. [Microfilm]

Diaries of Frans and Gertrude Blom, 1943-1959. [Special Collections]

Emiliano Zapata, 1901-1919. [Digital]

Félix Candela Papers. [Special Collections]

Hacienda San Diego (Mexico) Records, 1634-1902. [Special Collections]

Heath Bowman Papers, 1923-1989. [Special Collections]

Hugh Gelston Correspondence, 1823-1824. [Special Collections]

Independent Mexico in newspapers, the 19th century. [CRL Microfilm]

Indians of Chiapas, Mexico, Film Negatives Collection, 1946-1964. [Special Collections]

Información sistemática, clippings archive, 1975-82. [Microfiche]

Isabel Magee Sherman Papers, 1900-1913. [Special Collections]

Iturbe e Iraeta Papers, 1754-1878. [Special Collections]

Juan Pascoe and Taller Martín Pescador collection of books, broadsides and ephemera. [Special Collections, Descriptive blogpost]

Latin American anarchist and labour periodicals Online. [Digital]

Latin American and Iberian pamphlets. I, 1802-1950: Mexico - group 15A-B. [Microfilm]

Letters from King Philip IV of Spain to his Viceroy in New Spain (present-day Mexico), Luis Enríquez de Guzmán, 1651-1653. [Special Collections]

Mariano Riva Palacio archive. [Microfilm]

Mesoamerican Manuscripts at Princeton [Special Collections, Digital]

Mexican and Central American political and social ephemera, 1980-1991. [Digital]

Mexican archives of New Mexico, 1821-1846. [Microfilm]

Mexican manuscripts from the Poole Sale. Includes manuscripts relating to the Iturbe e Iraeta family. [Microfilm]

Mexican Postcards Collection, 1890-2000. [Special Collections]

Mexican textbooks in indigenous languages. [Special Collections]

Mexican [tourism] ephemera collection. [Special Collections]

Mexican voluntary and mutual aid associations: a collection of 19th century pamphlets held in la Biblioteca Nacional, Mexico. [Microfilm]

Mexico-United States counternarcotics policy, 1969-2013. [Digital]

Microfilm collection of manuscripts on Middle American cultural anthropology. [Microfilm]

Miguel de la Madrid collection of Mexican government documents and publications. [Microfiche]

Mexico: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]

The Papers of Agustín de Iturbide, 1799–1880. [Digital]

Photograph Album: "Abastecimiento de agua potable. Tanaco, Michoácan", 1942 mayo. [Special Collections]

Prieto and Maíz Family Business Records. 1760-1974. [Special Collections]

Primary Source Periodicals. Classic Mexican Cinema. [Digital]

Rafael Fuentes Papers, 1928-1966. [Special Collections]

Records of colonial Tlalpujahua (Michoacan, Mexico), 1562-1903. [Special Collections]

Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Mexico, 1910-29. [Microfilm]

Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Mexico, 1930-1939. [Digital]

Records of the Department of State relating to political relations between the United States and Mexico, 1910-29. [CRL Microfilm]

Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to political relations between the United States and Mexico, 1930-1944. [CRL Microfilm]

Revolution in Mexico, the 1917 Constitution, and its aftermath: records of the U.S. State Department. [Digital]

Selected Papers of George Alexander Thompson, 1797-1828. [Special Collections]

Spanish Archives of New Mexico, 1621-1821, in the Archives of the State of New Mexico Records Center. [Microfilm]

Taller de Gráfica Popular prints and posters. [Special Collections and digital]

[Tlalmanalco Hacienda archive] Libro Segundo en que se comprehenden diversos instrumentos que sirben de titulos a la Hazda. nombrada Sn. Joseph Tapalcapán, y Tezoquipa agregada â la de Sn. Nicolás Toelentino, y Molino del Moral, 1576-1712. [Special Collections]

The William Gates Collection of Yucatecan Letters, 1778-1863. [Microfilm]


Confidential U.S. diplomatic post records: Central America: Nicaragua, 1930-1945. [Digital]

Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Nicaragua, 1945-1949: internal affairs and foreign affairs. [CRL Microfilm]

Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Nicaragua, 1950-1954: internal affairs and foreign affairs. [Microfilm]

Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Nicaragua, 1955-1959: internal affairs and foreign affairs. [Microfilm]

The Iran-Contra Affair: the making of a scandal, 1983-88. Digital National Security Archive. [Digital]

Mexican and Central American political and social ephemera, 1980-1991. [Digital]

Nicaragua: the making of U.S. policy, 1978-1990. Digital National Security Archive. [Digital]

Nicaragua: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm (Solidarity groups section digitized for in library use only)]

Nicaragua: political instability and U.S. intervention, 1910-1933. [Digital]

Records of the Department of State relating to the internal affairs of Central America, 1930–1949. [Digital]

Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Nicaragua, 1910-29. [CRL Microfilm]

Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Nicaragua, 1930-1944. [CRL Microfilm]

Records of the Department of State relating to political relations between the United States and Central America, 1911–1929. [Digital]

Records of the Department of State relating to political relations between the United States and Central America, 1911–1929 and between Central America and Other States, 1910–1929. [Digital]

Records of the Department of State relating to political relations between the United States and Nicaragua, 1910–1929. [Digital]

Sergio Ramírez Papers, 1916-2005. [Special Collections]


Collection of ephemera from the Peruvian insurrection, 1960-1989. First series. [Microfilm digitized and Special Collections]

Collection of ephemera from the Peruvian insurrection, 1960-1989. Second series. [Microfilm digitized and Special Collections]

Sendero Luminoso: a collection of pamphlets, serials, fliers, and party congresses, 1962-1985. [Microfilm digitized]

Documenting the Peruvian insurrection. [Microfilm]
Note: This title contains the three collections listed above and 1980-85 issues of El Caballo Rojo.

Despatches from United States consuls in Callao, 1854-1906. [Microfilm]

Despatches from United States consuls in Lima, 1823-54. [Microfilm]

Izcue y Arias (Firm) Records, 1786-1842. [Special Collections]

Latin American and Iberian pamphlets. I, 1802-1950: Peru - group 17. [Microfilm]

Latin American pamphlets from the Yale University Library: Peru. [Microfiche]

Libro de Cabildos. Lima, Peru. 1534-1820? [Microfilm]

Manuscript Concerning Túpac Amaru and the Early Independence Movements in Peru, 1781-1785. [Special Collections]

Peru: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]

Peru: Human Rights, Drugs and Democracy, 1980-2000. Digital National Security Archive. [Digital]

Real Asiento de Minas de Plata de Rivera de Caylloma, 1786-1789 (manuscript map, table, letters and documents) [Special Collections digitized]

Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Peru, 1910-1929. [Microfilm]

Ruedas, Jeronimo de, and Others, Report to King Charles III of Spain on Indigenous Revolutionary Movements in South America, 1781 June 15 [Special Collections digitized]


Puerto Rico

A la izquierda: the Puerto Rican movement : newspapers, periodicals, bulletins ... [Microfilm]

Arcadio Díaz Quiñones Papers. [Special Collections]

Archivo de Alma Concepción, 1939-2021. [Special Collections]

Charters and incorporation papers of the South Porto Rico Sugar Company, 1900-1955. [Microfilm]

The compact of permanent union: records of the U.S. Ad Hoc Advisory Group on Puerto Rico, 1973-1975. [Microfilm]

Despatches from United States consular representatives in Puerto Rico, 1821-1899. [Microfilm]

Correspondance consulaire commerciale, Porto Rico.1824-1901. France.Ministère des Affaires Etrangères. [Microfilm]

Federal surveillance of the Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño. [Digital]

Hojas de servicios militares de América, años 1785-1815. [v.9] San Juan de Puerto Rico. Años 1793-1800. Legajo 7289. [Microfilm]

La Impresora: San Juan, Puerto Rico Fine Press, chapbook, zine & poster collection. [Special Collections] 
                   Artists' books subseries | Chapbooks subseries | Posters subseries

José Francisco de Trasobares y de los Cobos Manuscript, "Memoria sobre las causas que se han opuesto á la abolicion de la esclavitud en nuestras Antilas y plan para conseguirla en un periodo de diez años presentada al Gobierno Provisional y previnida por este con una Encomienda de Carlos 3º en fabor de José Fo. de Trasobares." [Special Collections]

Lorenzo Homar Collection. [Special Collections and Digital]

Lorenzo Homar Correspondence [Special Collections]

Manuscript: "Apuntes sobre la ley de abolición de la esclavitud en Puerto Rico de 22 de marzo de 1873", 1873 April. [Special Collections]

Puerto Rican Music Collection [Mendel Music Library]

Puerto Rican slave documents, 1867-1872. [Digital]

Puerto Rico: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]

Registro central de esclavos, 1872 = Slave schedules, 1872. [CRL Microfilm]

Ruth M. Reynolds papers. [Microfilm]

Slavery, abolition & social justice [Digital]


The Blodgett collection of Spanish Civil War pamphlets. [Microfiche]

Charles Carroll Marden Collection of Spanish Documents, 1347-1887. [Special Collections]

Colección Duque de Híjar. Más de setecientos impresos y manuscritos españoles y americanos, reunidos por el Duque de Híjar, seis veces Grande de España, correspondientes a los años críticos de la guerra de independencia española y al movimiento secesionista de los pueblos hispano-americanos. [Special Collections]

Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Spain. Internal affairs 1930-1939. [Microfilm]

Confidential U.S. State Department central files. Spain. Foreign affairs, 1930-1939. [Microfilm]

Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Spain, 1910-1929. [CRL Microfilm]

Despatches from United States consuls in Barcelona, 1797-1906. [Microfilm]

Despatches from United States consuls in Bilbao, 1791-1875. [Microfilm]

Despatches from United States consuls in Cadiz, 1791-1904. [Microfilm]

Despatches from United States consuls in Málaga, 1793-1906. [Microfilm]

Despatches from United States consuls in Valencia, Spain, 1816-1906. [Microfilm]

La Guerra Civil Española = the Spanish Civil War collection. [Microfilm]

Indignados/15M Movement Collection from Spain [Digital and Special Collections]

José Francisco de Trasobares y de los Cobos Manuscript, "Memoria sobre las causas que se han opuesto á la abolicion de la esclavitud en nuestras Antilas y plan para conseguirla en un periodo de diez años presentada al Gobierno Provisional y previnida por este con una Encomienda de Carlos 3º en fabor de José Fo. de Trasobares." [Special Collections]

María de Navas Satires, 1695. [Special Collections]

Spanish and Catalan legal documents, 1634-1758: collection. [Special Collections]

Spanish and Catalan political transition publications, 1959-1977. [Microfilm]

Spanish and Catalan political transition publications, 1968-1983. [Special Collections]

Spanish Civil War pamphlet collection at Princeton University Library. [Microfiche]

Spanish drama of the Golden Age: the Comedia collection in the University of Pennsylvania Libraries. [Microfilm]

Spanish political and economic transition groups, 1940s-1980s. [Microfilm and Special Collections]

Spanish political and economic transition groups, 1940s-1980s. Supplement. [Microfilm and Special Collections]


Central America

Latin America : Primary Sources

Age of Exploration. [Digital]

Bertrand de Moleville counterrevolution papers, 1805. [Special Collections]

CIA research reports. Part 8: Latin America (1946-1976). [Microfilm]

Colección de documentos inéditos relativos al descubrimiento, conquista y organización de las antiguas posesiones españolas de America Y Oceanía. [Digital]

Colección de documentos inéditos relativos al descubrimiento, conquista y organización de las antiguas posesiones españolas de ultramar. [Digital]

Confidential Print: Latin America, 1833-1969. Records from the British Foreign Ofice in the UK National Archives. [Digital]

Conquistadors: the struggle for colonial power in Latin America, 1492-1825. [Digital]

Digital Archive of Latin American and Caribbean Ephemera [Digital]

Foreign relations between Latin America and the Caribbean States, 1930-1944. [Digital]
Note: Originally microfilmed as Records of the Department of State relating to U.S. Political Relations with Latin America and the Caribbean.

Gerald R. Ford and foreign affairs. Part 1, National Security Adviser’s files. Section 5, Presidential and Staff Country Files for Latin America, 1974-1977. [Microfilm]

Human Rights Documents Online. [Digital]

The Jewish communities of Latin America: Spanish language newspapers from Mexico, Argentina, Peru and Uruguay. [Microfilm]

John F. Kennedy National Security Files, 1961-1963: Latin America. [Digital]

John F. Kennedy National Security Files, 1961-1963: Latin America, First Supplement. [Digital]

Latin America: special studies, 1962-94. [Microfilm]

Latin America, 1998-2002 supplement. [Microfilm]

Latin America: North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA) archive of Latin Americana. [Microfilm]

Latin American anarchist and labour periodicals, 1880-1940. [Digital]

Latin American and Iberian Biographies. [Digital]

Latin American and Iberian Pamphlets. I, 1802-1950. [Microfilm]

Latin American Independence: Nineteenth Century Political and Official Pamphlets from the British Library. [Digital]

Latin American Posters Collection [Digital]

Latin American Prints and Posters Collection [Special Collections]

Lyndon B. Johnson National Security Files. Latin America:1963-69. [Microfilm]

Organization of American States. Documentos oficiales = Official records. 1960-1975. [Microfiche]

O.S.S./State Department intelligence and research reports. Pt. 14: Latin America, 1941-1961. [Microfilm]

Pre-Columbian Stamp Seals and Roller Seals Collection, Pre-Columbian era - 1600 A.D. [Special Collections]

Princeton's Latin American Ephemera Collection [Microfilm, Special Collections and Digital]

Princeton University Library Collection on Slavery in the Americas, 1700-1863. [Special Collections]

Program in Latin American Studies Records. Princeton University. [Mudd]

Records of the Department of State relating to political relations between the U.S. and Other American States (Monroe Doctrine), 1910–1949. [Digital]

Records of the Department of State Relating to the First Panama Congress, 1825–1827. [Digital]

Robert L. Ross Collection of Latin American Medals and Orders

Slavery, abolition & social justice [Digital]

The Yale University Collection of Latin American Manuscripts, Parts 1–7. [Digital]