Several datasets on parties and parliaments also have election data combined with numerous variables coding parties.
Finding voting results below the level of the electoral constituency/district (i.e., the level at which seats are distributed) can be very challenging. Each country reports at different levels of geographic aggregation. I have placed links to the lowest level I could find, which in all cases is below the constituency level. Emphasis is on parliamentary (specifically the lower house) elections.
European Election Database (This covers a higher geographic level, but allows comparison of elections in 35 countries over 20 years at NUTS levels 1-3 to facilitate comparison with Eurostat regional statistics.)
2008 parliamentary (Nationalrat) election by municipality (zipped Excel file)
2006 parliamentary (Nationalrat) election by municipality (zipped Excel file)
2002 parliamentary (Nationalrat) election by municipality (zipped Excel file; alternately as a zipped .csv or .txt file)
1999 parliamentary (Nationalrat) election by municipality (zipped Excel file; alternately as a zipped .csv or .txt file)
1995 parliamentary (Nationalrat) election by municipality (zipped Excel file)
1994 parliamentary (Nationalrat) election by municipality (zipped Excel file)
2010 House election by polling place (.csv file; additional House stats in .csv and Senate stats in .csv including by polling place)
2007 House election by polling place (.csv file; additional House stats in .csv and Senate stats in .csv including by polling place)
2004 House election by polling place (.csv file; additional House stats in .csv and Senate stats in .csv including by polling place)
2001 House and Senate elections (includes by polling place) (zipped CD-ROM)
1993, 1996, and 1998 House and Senate elections statistics (zipped CD-ROM)
2007 parliamentary election (Chambre/Kamer) by electoral canton (in HTML; select a constituency from the dropdown, then choose a canton)
1848-2003 parliamentary elections (Chambre/Kamer) by electoral canton (in HTML separately for each canton)
2011 and 2007 parliamentary (Folketing) elections by polling precinct (afstemningsområder) (click on British flag at top for English, then choose Elections on the left nav bar; each elections link is to a table for one of the 10 multimember constituencies (storkreds) where you can download a table of all the polling precincts in that nomination district (opstillingskreds) in various formats (.xls, .csv., .txt, etc.))
2005 parliamentary election (Folketing) by municipality (kommune) (in PDF; tables 75 and 77, starting on p. 96)
2001 parliamentary election (Folketing) election by precinct (afstemningsområder) (in PDF; tables 2 and 3 of the appendix, starting on p.325)
1998 parliamentary election (Folketing) by precinct (afstemningsområder) (in PDF; tables 2 and 3 of the appendix, starting on p.310)
1994 parliamentary election (Folketing) by precinct (afstemningsområder) (in PDF; tables 2 and 3 of the appendix, starting on p.288)
1990 parliamentary election by municipality (kommune) (in PDF; tables 73 and 75, starting on p. 86)
1983-2011 parliamentary election results by municipality (kunta) (can download to a variety of formats) (Google Translate version) hosts a variety of French elections—presidential, legislative (Assemblée nationale), municipal, cantonal, European—in Excel or .csv format for a variety of geographies—circonscription (constituency), région, département, commune (municipality), canton, and bureaux de vote (polling station)—generally 1990s-present, but legislative back to 1958.
1980, 1983, 1987, 1990, 1994, 1998, 2002, 2005, 2009, 2013, and 2017 parliamentary elections (Bundestag) by polling precinct (wahlbezirke). Prior to 2002, Erststimme (first round votes) data only goes down as far as the municipality level (Gemeinden). 1980 only has data for Gemeinden (both first and second rounds, Erstimme and Zweitstimme), and 1987 has no Erststimme data at all. Data are delimited .txt files; Princeton users only. (Source: Ergebnisse der Bundestagswahl [YEAR] nach Wahlbezirken als CD [Results of the [YEAR] Bundestag elections by polling district on CD], from the German Federal Statistical Office.) Now available online, 1980–present, together with data by independent cities and districts (kreisfreien Städten und Landkreisen). For each election year, click on Ergebnisse, then Weitere Ergebnisse. The file is the first listed, Ergebnisse nach Wahlbezirken.
2010 parliamentary (Tweede Kamer) elections by municipality (Gemeente) (.csv)
2006 parliamentary (Tweede Kamer) elections by municipality (Gemeente) (online database; each municipality must be looked up individually)
2003 parliamentary (Tweede Kamer) elections by constituency (kieskring), province (provincie, and municipality (Gemeente (zipped .html; will convert to spreadsheet if opened directly in Excel)
2002 parliamentary (Tweede Kamer) elections by constituency (kieskring), province (provincie, and municipality (Gemeente) (zipped .html; will convert to spreadsheet if opened directly in Excel)
1998 parliamentary (Tweede Kamer) elections by constituency (kieskring), province (provincie, and municipality (Gemeente) (zipped .html; will convert to spreadsheet if opened directly in Excel)
2001-2005 parliamentary (Storting) elections by polling precinct (valgkrets) for Oslo, Bergen, Stavanger, and Trondheim (online database; can download to variety of formats)
1945-2009 parliamentary (Storting) elections by municipality (kommune) (choose desired years and then export to Excel or other formats)
The Spanish Electoral Archive holds all the results recorded from General (1979–2019), Regional (1989–2021), Local/Municipal (1979–2019), and European Parliamentary (1987–2019) elections held in Spain since the restoration of democracy in the late '70s. Results are provided at the following levels in most cases: mesas (ballot boxes), secciones (Census sections), distritos (Local districts), municipios (municipalities), provincias (provinces), and CCAA (autonomous regions). Data are best downloaded in the original Microsoft Excel workbook format.
2010 parliamentary election (Riksdag) by polling district (valdistrikt); and by municipality (kommune) (Excel)
2006 parliamentary election (Riksdag) by polling district (valdistrikt); and by municipality (kommune) (zipped Excel)
1973-2006 parliamentary election (Riksdag) by polling district (valdistrikt) (each election is a separate dataset; must be requested from Swedish National Data Service)
1973-2010 parliamentary election (Riksdag) by municipality (kommune) (online database; can download to variety of formats)
2011 parliamentary (Nationalrat) election by political commune (Gemeinde) (Excel)
2007 parliamentary (Nationalrat) election by political commune (Gemeinde) (Excel)
2003 parliamentary (Nationalrat) election by political commune (Gemeinde) (Excel)
1999 parliamentary (Nationalrat) election by political commune (Gemeinde) (Excel)
1995 parliamentary (Nationalrat) election by political commune (Gemeinde) (Excel)
1991 parliamentary (Nationalrat) election by political commune (Gemeinde) (Excel)
1987 parliamentary (Nationalrat) election by political commune (Gemeinde) (Excel)
1983 parliamentary (Nationalrat) election by political commune (Gemeinde) (Excel)
1979 parliamentary (Nationalrat) election by political commune (Gemeinde) (Excel)
1975 parliamentary (Nationalrat) election by political commune (Gemeinde) (Excel)
1971 parliamentary (Nationalrat) election by political commune (Gemeinde) (Excel)
[country name] electoral commission