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Basic Sources of United States Economic Statistics

Sub-national statistics


Sage Data  Online Wide variety of economic, social, environmental, and political indicators from many US government agencies.
State Statistical Abstracts Online, Paper, and Microfiche See the link for titles.  Many recent ones are online.  Princeton has some in paper.  Check the Catalog under the title.  Many others are included in the SRI Microfiche collection.  Use Proquest Statistical Insight to determine inclusion and coverage.
Rand State Statistics Online Contains state statistics covering all 50 U.S. states with additional statistics for California and Texas.
Complete Economic and Demographic Data Source (CEDDS) Online (2010, 2012-2015, 2018, 2020-2024 editions) Woods & Poole Economics publication provides regional, state, county, and metropolitan data including projections for 1969 to 2040.  Paper volumes: 1984-2011 (lacks 1985, 1987-1991, 1993-2001, 2003, 2009) at HC106.8.C65q (RECAP); 2012 technical documentation (4 parts) - 2015 technical documentation (4 parts) at HC106.8.C655 (RECAP)
Urban Institute State Database Online. Detailed data on the 50 states & the District of Columbia in areas including income security, health, child well-being, demographic, fiscal & political conditions, and social services.
PolicyMap Online Online data and mapping application that gives access to indicators related to housing, crime, mortgages, health, jobs, demographics and education. Geography available differs by source.  Particularly useful for low income housing rules. Data come from both public and proprietary sources.  Not all data can be downloaded.
County and City Data Book 1944-1988;1994-2000; 2007  Online. Published about every 5 years. Presents socioeconomic & demographic summary data for selected recent years for states, counties, cities, SMSAs, and other areas. Data are derived from the various censuses. 1944-2007.  Ceased publication.
State and Metropolitan Area Data Book 1997-1998, 2006, 2010 Online and also available in Paper.  (DSS and Firestone) HA202.S75 1979-2010 (Census Bureau; 2013+ Bernan). Summary socioeconomic & demographic data for regions, census divisions, states, standard consolidated areas and SMSAs for selected years. Data are derived from censuses and various other Federal Government and private sources. ICPSR has 1982 and 1991.
County and City Extra: Annual metro, city and county data book. (DSS) HA202.C675 Annual publication since 1992 providing up-to-date statistical information for states, counties, metropolitan areas and cities. Also see County and City Extra:  Special Historical Edition, 1790-2010.  (DSS) HA214.C686 2015
County Business Patterns

1962, 1964+ (online); 1946+ (paper: HC106.5.A13) (1970-2003 also available from the National Historical Geographic Information System.  Free registration is required. Also available for 1977-2016 through DataLuomos. Also available through the Census Bureau.  ICPSR has 1962, 1964-2003. 

For 1946-1974, see "The Early County Business Pattern Files: 1946-1974". Fabian Eckert, Ka-leung Lam, Atif R. Mian, Karsten Müller, Rafael Schwalb, and Amir Sufi NBER Working Paper No. 30578 - October 2022. For the data see Early County Business Pattern Files: United States, 1946-1974.

Data on the total number of establishments, mid-March employment, first quarter and annual payroll, and the number of establishments by employment-size class for all business establishments with one or more paid employees. Data are tabulated by detailed kinds of business based on the 1972 revised Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) designations (for 1987 data and earlier years) and on 1987 revised SIC designations (for 1988 data and later years). Contains data broken down by state and county, as well as United States summary data. SMSA summary data are not available from the Census Bureau after 1979. Data are provided for most divisions of the economy, including agricultural services, mining, construction, manufacturing, transportation, public utilities, wholesale trade, retail trade, finance, insurance, real estate, and services. Data are not included for agriculture production, railroad, government, or household employment.

State Government Finances Online. Provides a summary of annual survey findings for state governments since 1992.  The tables and data files present the details of revenue by type, expenditure by object and function, indebtedness by term, and assets by purpose and type. Includes lotteries.
State of the Cities Data Systems Online. Housing and Urban Development publication that aggregates statistics from many sources and includes demographics, employment, business patterns, crime, building permits, housing affordability, and city finance
Gross state product data Online. 1963-1997, use the SIC files.  For 1997+, use the NAICS files.  Includes metro data for 2001+ in the metro files.

Personal Consumption Expenditures by State, 1997-2019


Prototype estimates of personal consumption expenditures (PCE) for states for 1997-2019

Quarterly Gross Domestic Product by State, 2005+ Online. Prototype estimates of state GDP by quarter with 21 subsector breakdowns.
County Characteristics, 2000-2007 Online. Included are population size & the components of population change during 2000-2005 and a wide range of characteristics on or about 2005: (1) population by age, sex, race, & Hispanic origin, (2) labor force size & unemployment, (3) personal income, (4) earnings & employment by industry, (5) land surface form typography, (6) climate, (7) government revenue & expenditures, (8) crimes reported to police, (9) presidential election results (10) housing authorized by building permits, (11) Medicare enrollment, & (12) health profession shortage areas.