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United States Government Documents

Important Information for Depository Visitors

We welcome depository visitors! Please consult our access information and hours pages for more information about our procedures to welcome depository visitors to the library.

Please note the following important points for non-Princeton University affiliated depository visitors:

  • Our depository collection onsite is print only.  Online government documents are available freely on the Internet, through website such as GovInfo.
  • Most of our print depository collection documents are held off-site, at facilities such as ReCAP or our Annex.  To access these documents, please use the request button in the item's catalog record.  These items take 1-2 days to arrive at Firestone, and you will receive an email when they arrive.
  • Please search our catalog to start to discover the print government documents that part of our depository collection.  To get started, an advanced search for the publisher "U.S. Govt. Print. Off" or "GPO" or "Government Printing Office" should provide a list of most of our depository holdings in print.  Electronic government documents that are available generally on the Internet may be accessed from home. 
  • Many of the commercial databases available to Princeton faculty and students, and discussed in this research guide, provide electronic access to government documents.  These databases are not part of our depository collection, and are not available to depository visitors.
  • TEMPORARY NOTE:  In consultation with our regional depository library, Newark Public Library, we have recently withdrawn several depository titles from our collection.  We are in the process of removing these titles from our catalog. However, some of these titles may still appear in our catalog listed as being held off-site.  Should you request access to any of these titles, we will let you know by email that this title has been withdrawn from our collection.