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United Nations Documents

League of Nations Archives Online

League of Nations Documents

  • League of Nations.  Official Journal.  1920-1940.  Location:  (UN) KZ4860.5 .L43  After 1924,contains Proceedings and Resolutions of the Council, which was charged with settling international disputes.
  • League of Nations.  Minutes of the Council. 1920-1924. Location:  (UN) JX1975 .A44q
  • League of Nations.  Official Journal.  Special Supplements 1920-1946  (UN)  KZ4860.5 .L431 Proceedings and Resolutions of the Assembly.
  • League of Nations.  Treaty Series.  1920-1946.  Location:  (RCPPA) KZ170.5 .T74
  • League of Nations.  [Sales Publications]  1920-1946. 
  • League of Nations.  Statistical Yearbook.  1926-1944.  Location (UN) HA41 .L47
  • League of Nations.  Documents on Disarmament. 
  • League of Nations Documents and Publications 1919-1946 microfilm Primary Source Media. 555 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.  Princeton Location: (Film) MICROFILM 11653.
    Comprehensive collection of most publications issued by the League. Its Guide,(FilmB) Z6473 .L433 1973, is useful in navigating this set. It also serves in a more general way as a tool to describe in detail the bibliographic output of the League.  Contents are referenced below.
League of Nations Documents and Publications 1919-1946 microfilm
From Primary Source Media
Reel Number League Topic Continued by
Reel 1 Bibliographic tools Many web and paper
Reels 2-15 Subject category IA Administrative commissions 1919-1933 Later League Documents and UN Official Records and Documents
Reels 16-40 Subject category IB Minorities 1919-1940 Human Rights Commission
Reels 41-65 Subject category IIA, Financial questions 1920-1946 IMF and World Bank
Reels 66-81 Subject category IIB, Economic questions 1920-1939 IMF and World Bank
Reels 82-91 Subject Category III, Health, 1920-1946 WHO
Reels 92-104 Subject Category IV, Social questions 1919-1946 Human Rights Commission, UNICEF, Human Development Report
Reels 105-137 Subject category V, Legal questions 1919-1946 Category V in UN Sales Pubs
Reels 138-155 Subject category VIA, Mandates 1920-1940 Trusteeship Council Publications
Reels 156-173 Documents C.P.M. 1920-1945 Trusteeship Council
Reels 174-179 Permanent Mandates Commission, minutes and reports, 1921-1940 Trusteeship Council
Reels 180-182 Subject category VIB, Slavery, 1920-1938 Human Rights Commission
Reels 183-216 Political questions, 1919-1943 Security Council
Reel 217 Documents 19/F/-,19/6/-,20/6-,21/6/- 1919-1921 Later League Documents
Reels 218-234 Subject category VIII, Communications and transit 1919-1946 International Telecommunications Union and regional commissions
Reels 235-253 Subject category IX, Disarmament 1920-1939 Category X in UN Sales Publications
Reels 254-272 Subject category X, Financial administration of the League of Nations 1920-1947 UN Official Records, General Assembly, Supplement 5 and others each year
Reels 273-303 Subject category XI, Traffic in opium and other dangerous drugs 1920-1946 Category IX in UN Sales Pubs
Reels 304-309 Subject category XIIA, Intellectual cooperation 1920-1939 WIPO
Reels 310-311 Subject category XIIB, International Bureau 1919-1939 UNICEF, UNRISD, Human Rights Commission, FAO
Reels 312-314 Subject category XIII, Refugees 1920-1946 High Commissioner for Refugees
Reels 315-333 Subject category G, General questions 1919-1947 UN Official Records and Documents
Reel 334 Supplementary reports, 1920-1936 UN Official Records and Documents
Reels 335-336 Serial Publications: Annual epidemiological reports 1922-1938 WHO
Reels 337-349 Armaments year book 1924-1940 WHO
Reels 350-353 International health year book 1924-1930 WHO
Reels 354-355 Memoranda on production and trade 1926-1945 UNITAR and UNCTAD
Reels 356-361 Money and banking 1913-1944 IMF and World Bank
Reels 362-424 Official journal of the League of Nations 1920-1946 UN Official Records
Reels 425-458 Reports of the mandatory powers to the League 1921-1939 UN Official Records
Reels 459-468 Review of world trade, balance of payments and international trade UNCTAD
Reels 469-472 Statistical yearbook of the League of Nations 1926-1944. Also held in paper at (UN) HA41 .L47 (1926-1942/44.) UN Statistical Yearbook and various UN specialized statistical yearbooks
Reels 473-475 Statistical yearbook of the trade in arms, ammunition, & implements of war 1924-1938 Janes, SIPRI, World Arms and Armaments, etc.
Reels 476-549 League of Nations Treaty series 1919-1947. UN Treaty Series.
Reels 550-551 World economic survey 1931-1944 World economic outlook (IMF) and World development report (WorldBank) both annual, and also UN Sales, title varies World economic report, World economic and social survey