Provides full text of United Nations central agency parliamentary and working documents. Includes all of the six official UN languages in which a document was published.
New UN search portal (currently in BETA) that searches across existing UN platforms including Search in the Official Document System (ODS) and more than 100 websites, the League of Nations archive, etc.
Includes UN documents, voting data, speeches, maps, and open access publications. The platform provides access to UN-produced materials in digital format and bibliographic records for print UN documents starting in 1979.
Brings together United Nations publications on a broad range of social and economic topics, usually covering a number of countries and with significant statistical content. Publications from about the last decade are included. Although the intention is to provide full text in pdf format for all titles, this is an ongoing project and full text is not yet included for some titles listed.
The UN Archives Geneva platform gives access to the fonds and collections managed by the United Nations Library and Archives in Geneva, including the archives of the United Nations in Geneva, the League of Nations (1919-1946), international peace movements (from 1870), and private papers.
Principal reference work of the United Nations. Provides a detailed overview of the Organization's activities. Includes all major General Assembly, Security Council and Economic & Social Council resolutions.
Provides in a single volume a comprehensive compilation of internationally available statistics on social and economic conditions and activities, at world, regional and national levels, for an appropriate historical period. It is prepared by the Statistics Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, of the United Nations Secretariat. Provides access to the current and past issues. 2006+
1990/91+ is available in Microforms of Firestone Library on CD-ROM. For volumes back to 1948 in paper, see Firestone Oversize HA41.U59q.
Index and full text database for some 50,000 bilateral and multilateral treaties and subsequent treaty actions in their authentic language(s), along with a translation into English and French. 1946+