Africa Action a non-profit organization which works to "democratize foreign policy debates that determine the U.S. role in Africa." Includes articles on African development and briefings on current issues.
Mbendi Information for Africa offers extensive business and commerical information on Africa, including African stock exchanges and industries such as Oil, Gas, Chemicals, Mining etc
Virtual Africana "East Africa's most comprehensive Online Information Resource Center for business"
Central Africa Project analyzes political and ethnic conflict within and between the nations that straddle mid-Africa, including the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Burundi, Angola, Uganda, and Rwanda. Includes over twelve full text reports in the last year (a few in French only).
African Journals Online a project managed by INASP to promote the awareness and use of African-published journals in the sciences. AJOL 2000 offers the tables of contents and abstracts of articles from up to 50 journals in agricultural sciences, science and technology, health and social sciences, published in Africa.