Portal to newspapers and periodicals c1685-1815 offers integrated access to the Hope Collection at the Bodleian Library, Oxford (Eighteenth Century Journals I) and the Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center University of Texas (Eighteenth Century Journals II). South Asian titles include the Bombay Courier, the Calcutta Gazette, or, Oriental Advertiser, the India Gazette, or, India Public Advertiser, and others
FBIS provides daily coverage of non-U.S. radio broadcasts and other media. Coverage ranges from 1941 to 1996. It is organized by region. Search by location using the interactive map. South Asian countres include Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, and Pakistan.
From the Hiteshranjan Sanyal Memorial Archive, via SAVIFA.
Calcutta Gazette, Volume 17, Issue 426, 1792