Try the Plasma Physics or Engineering and Technology databases page for a listing of related databases, or start searching directly in INSPEC, Engineering Index, Web of Science, or Scopus.
Cited References?
Web of Science (1945+), Scopus (1996+ includes conferences), SPIRES-HEP (top cited High-Energy Physics Articles).
Try the Princeton University Library Catalog.
eBooks can be found by searching in the Princeton University Library Catalog There is a guide with links to a select set of books relevant for Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy at or try Ebrary, CRCnetBASE, Knovel Engineering and Scientific References, MyIlibrary - International Atomic Energy Agency collection or Safari Tech Books to search directly in one of our engineering and science eBook collections.
Technical Reports?
Try SciTech Connect from the DOE's Office of Scientific and Technical Information. PPPL Technical Reports can be found by searching in the Princeton University Library Catalog.
Try the Electronic Journals page and Plasma Physics Journals page.
Try the ePrint Network and
Encyclopedias and Reference?
Try Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Encyclopedia of Applied Physics, Handbook of Physics and Chemistry, NRL Plasma Formulary (the mini-Bible of Plasma physicists), NDS Atomic and Molecular Data Unit, or search in an eBooks collection.
Try the Plasma Physics Conferences page.