Full List of Urban Studies-related Databses ~ Full List of Architecture-related Database
EBSCO Academic Search - Cross search this resource with Urban Studies Abstracts and Historical Abstracts
Wilson Omni File: Cross-searchable with Humanities Full Text, Art Full Text, Reader's Guide Full Text, etc.
Article First: Cross-searchable with up to two others from the suite of databases; try Francis, Avery, and Bibliography of the History of Art.
Proquest Research Library: Cross-searchable with just about every other Proquest database except for Historical Newspapers.
JSTOR: A full-text archival resource provding full-text to hundreds of humanities-related journals. Most of the content is at least 5 years old.
Step 1: Familarize yourself with the core architecture indexes & databases AND with the core urban studies indexes & databases.
Step 2: Set up an account with either RefWorks or Endnote. A lot of the databases allow you to directly export citations from the resource into your bibliography or folder.
Step 3: As in the Main Catalog, you are able to truncate, combine terms, and limit your searches but every index or database is a little different. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the various wildcards & truncation symbols for a given database. This information can be found in the Help topics of a database, often denoted by a question mark, ?, at the top of the main page of the database.
Step 4: Be sure to include these key databases in your research strategy. Regardless of whether they are ultimately a boon to your research, they are are the best place to start and you will be well served by checking these off your to-do list.