These guides will help with topics related to Stata and R. Data Services Specialists are available by appointment to assistance with statistical packages (R, Stata, or SPSS) or social science statistical methodology and can help you in downloading, formatting, reshaping, or analyzing data.
Topics | Stata | R |
Applying code to multiple files | LoopStata | LoopR |
Cubic interpolation | CubicInterpolationR | |
Data visualization | StataViz | Rviz |
Descriptive statistics | DescriptiveStata | DescriptiveR |
Differences in differences | DIDStata | DIDR |
Factor analysis | Factor | FactorR |
Fixed random effects / Panel data | FixedPanelStata | FixedPanelR |
Linear regression | RegressionStata | RegressionR |
Logit & Ordered Logit regression including predicted probabilities and marginal effects | LogitStata | LogitR |
Merge/Append | MergeStata | MergeR |
Merge - Fuzzy merge | FuzzyStata | FuzzyR |
Missing data / Imputation | MIStata | MIR |
Multilevel analysis | MultiLevelStata | |
Output tables | OutregStata | OutputR |
Reshape data | ReshapeStata | ReshapeR |
Time series | TimeSeriesStata | TimeSeriesR |
Additional resources for learning statistical packages | MoreStata | MoreR / Exploring R @ Princeton |
Using in Virtual Desktops | StataVD | |
Using in Adroit | AdroitStata | AdroitR |