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Statistics and Data Analysis Guides: Home

These guides will help with topics related to Stata and R. Data Services Specialists are available by appointment to assistance with statistical packages (R, Stata, or SPSS) or social science statistical methodology and can help you in downloading, formatting, reshaping, or analyzing data. 

Topics Stata R
Applying code to multiple files LoopStata LoopR
Cubic interpolation   CubicInterpolationR
Data visualization StataViz Rviz
Descriptive statistics DescriptiveStata DescriptiveR
Differences in differences DIDStata DIDR
Factor analysis Factor FactorR
Fixed random effects / Panel data FixedPanelStata FixedPanelR
Linear regression RegressionStata RegressionR
Logit & Ordered Logit regression including predicted probabilities and marginal effects LogitStata LogitR
Merge/Append MergeStata MergeR
Merge - Fuzzy merge FuzzyStata FuzzyR
Missing data / Imputation MIStata MIR
Multilevel analysis MultiLevelStata  
Output tables OutregStata OutputR
Reshape data ReshapeStata ReshapeR
Time series TimeSeriesStata TimeSeriesR
Additional resources for learning statistical packages MoreStata MoreR / Exploring R @ Princeton
Using in Virtual Desktops StataVD  
Using in Adroit AdroitStata AdroitR

Research Methodology