To process, manipulate, and analyze data in Stata, we sometimes need to do repetitive tasks. Examples include recoding a set of variables in the same manner, creating or renaming a series of variables, or repetitively recording values of a number of variables.
- Using loops allows us to run the same codes once for repetitive work without typing them multiple times.
- Using loops will keep your do-file concise.
This guide discusses the two most common loop techniques available in Stata.
We use foreach command for looping over variables or items.
Example 1
- Load the following dataset
- Suppose we want to convert some of the variables in the dataset into log form.
- If we follow the usual technique, we will have to convert each of them individually using the following commands -
gen pcgdp_log = ln(1+ pcgdp)
gen gdpgr_log = ln(1+gdpgr)
gen eduexp_log = ln(1+eduexp)
gen govtexp_log = ln(1+govtexp)
gen netoda_log = ln(1+netoda)
- Typing each of the above commands separately is a tedious task. Instead, we can use the loops option available in Stata, and use the foreach command as follows
foreach var of varlist pcgdp gdpgr eduexp govtexp netoda {
gen `var'_log = ln(1+`var')
- Open bracket { appears on the same line as foreach
- Stata command (i.e., gen...) appears on a new line
- Close bracket } appears on another line by itself
- Notice that new variables have been created in your dataset.
Example 2
- Suppose we want to create a number of interaction variables by multiplying the polity variable with a number of selected variables (pcgdp, eduexp, govtexp).
- If we follow the usual technique, we will have to create each interaction separately by typing the following codes-
gen pcgdp_interaction = pcgdp*polity
gen eduexp_interaction = eduexp*polity
gen govtexp_interaction = govtexp*polity
- However, we can generate the above interaction variables more easily with the help of foreach command. Type:
foreach var in pcgdp eduexp govtexp {
gen `var'_interaction=`var'*polity
- Notice that three interaction variables (pcgdp_interaction, eduexp_interaction, govtexp_interaction) have been created in the dataset.
Example 3
- Suppose you want to rename all the variables in your dataset by adding _NZ at the end of the variable names.
- Use the following foreach command-
foreach var in * {
rename `var' `var'_NZ
- Notice that each variable now has _NZ at the end of its name.
We use forvalues command for looping over values or numbers.
Example 1
- Load the following dataset
- Suppose we want to report yearly summary statistics for some of the variables (polity pcgdp netoda) for selected number of years (e.g., 2000-2005).
- We can use Stata's loops option and type in the forvalues command like this:
forvalues t = 2000/2005 {
display `t'
summarize polity pcgdp netoda if year == `t'
- Open bracket { appears on the same line as forvalues
- Stata command (i.e., gen...) appears on a new line
- Close bracket } appears on another line by itself
- The above codes generate the following Stata outputs showing yearly summary statistics for the designated variables.
Example 2
- We can use the forvalues command to generate dummy variables for each decade. In our loop-forvalues dataset, we have fifteen years of data (2000-2014) spread across two decades.
- Let's generate dummy variables for each decade, and name the variables as decade2000 and decade2010.
- Use the following loops
forvalues decade = 2000(10)2014 {
generate decade`decade' = (int(year / 10) * 10 == `decade')
- Notice that the dataset now has two dummy variables named decade2000 and decade2010.
Data Carpentry
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Stata foreach
Stata forvalues
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U Notre Dame Libguide
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