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WRI 149/150: The Politics of Disease: Finding primary sources

Finding primary sources

Often, the best work arises from close engagement with a primary source. As you read, you'll think of questions or begin to shape an argument. The hard part is to find a primary source that addresses the broad general area of interest. Here are some strategies for finding primary sources:

Starting points for finding medicine- and disease-related primary sources

  • Literature Arts Medicine Database ( a collection of literature, fine art, visual art and performing art annotations created as a dynamic, comprehensive resource for scholars, educators, students, patients, and others interested in medical humanities.

  • Medicine and Madison Avenue ( Advertising items and publications dating from 1850 to 1920, illustrating the rise of consumer culture and the birth of a professionalized advertising industry in the United States.

  • The Historical Medical Poster Collection (Yale) ( focuses primarily on public health communications, but also has examples of medical product advertising, recruiting, and aid and relief solicitations.

  • Opioid Industry Documents: An archive of millions of documents created by opioid manufacturers and related companies, hosted by the UCSF Library in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University. (

  • Truth Tobacco Industry Documents ( An archive of 14 million documents created by tobacco companies about their advertising, manufacturing, marketing, scientific research and political activities, hosted by the UCSF Library.

  • Drug Industry Documents ( An archive of documents created by major pharmaceutical companies related to their advertising, manufacturing, marketing, sales and scientific research, hosted by the UCSF Library.

  • Food Industry Documents ( An archive of documents from the food industry related to their manufacturing, operations, regulatory activities, and scientific research, hosted by the UCSF Library.
  • COVID-19 Vaccine Public Service Announcements (PSAs) ( This Digital Collection presents 71 early COVID-19 vaccine public service announcements (PSAs) in video format from late 2020 and early 2021.

  • COVID-19 Ads and Public Service Announcements ( During the first weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic (March–April 2020), Advertising & Society Quarterly collected advertisements and public service announcements (PSAs) related to the global health crisis, which can be used for future reflection, research, and teaching. This collection consists of over 100 videos and includes commercial advertisements and public service announcements; government and non-profit public service announcements; political advertisements; and celebrity public service announcements.

  • Erase COVID Posters ( This Digital Collection presents 169 posters from the Erase COVID project, a global artist collective that formed around the time COVID-19 was declared a pandemic in March 2020. Artists from about a dozen countries came together to make a series of visually rich public service announcements (PSAs) to recommend important health safety practices and draw attention to major concerns impacting society. 

  • You may also wish to search or browse historical issues of medical journals for articles, op-eds, or advertisements, such as the Journal of the American Medical Association; The New England Journal of Medicine; or the American Journal of Public Health

  • Magazine articles (or advertisements) on medical topics from popular publications like Life, Time, Popular Science, etc. can be really fascinating windows into the popular promotion, reception, or understanding of medical ideas/developments.

Library collections spotlight: primary source material

Additional resources with digital collections