Finding statistics below the national level outside the United States is usually difficult and in some cases impossible. However, a few countries and regions provide extensive data from their statistical offices including subnational level data:
- Canada's E-Stat
- (click on IP Login)
- Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States' Eastview UDB Statistics
- China Statistical Yearbooks Database (CNKI) Large selection of statistical data published by the Chinese government including census data. Chinese-language version offers more up-to-date and reliable results; best to use the yearbook navigation mode. Includes national, provincial, city, and many topical yearbooks.
- China Data Online Comprehensive statistical and economic information of China in English. The yearbook collection ends in 2011. For 2012+, use the China Statistical Bureau Website (must use in Internet Explorer). Select geo-coded data is contained in the Geo-Explorer I component.
- Global Insight includes regional data for China including a fair amount at the city level.
- Eurostat provides subnational statistics by province and/or city for many European Union members.
Some nations provide online versions of their most recent yearbooks. Princeton also maintains a large collection in paper (Social Science Reference Center - next to Ready Reference) and microfiche. For older editions consult the Main Catalog.