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Open-Access Publishing Support

Publish your research aticles as Open Access with no author processing charges (APCs).


APC (Article Processing Charge): The fee a publisher charges an author in order to publish their work as Open Access

Green Open Access: A publishing model that allows early versions, or preprints, of articles to be made publicly available online. Often known as the “repository route.”

Gold Open Access: The final published version of an article is available to anyone worldwide without a fee or paywall. This is the “journals route” to Open Access.

Gold Open Access Publication: A publication in which all content is fully Open Access (i.e., there is no subscription content and there are no paywalls).

Hybrid Open Access Publication: A publication that contains both Open Access and subscription access content. For example, a journal that has both Open Access and subscription access articles within the same volume/issue. 

Open Access Publishing: A publishing model that makes research articles openly available to the world without any paywalls

Read & Publish Agreement: A license agreement and publishing model that includes APC fees as well as access to content

S2O (Subscribe to Open): A publishing model that makes content Open Access if enough institutions continue subscribing to the content

Transformative Agreement: A license agreement that undertakes to transform the access model from subscription to open access

Click here for additional Open Access terms and definitions.