Search the Catalog for the artist both as a subject (i.e. Subject (browse)) AND author: e.g. Delacroix Eugene. Find a book on the artist and write down the call number. (There was a time when every book on a particular artist had the same call number prefix, but that system was discontinued several years back.) There may be books on artists shelved in different sections of on-site stacks (e.g. there is typically a separate OVERSIZE section in addition to the regular stacks). Also, pay attention to location: while most books on an artist should be in Marquand, some may be off-site in the Forrestal Annex or at ReCAP, or in Firestone or on reserve (or checked out or missing). A catalogue raisonné, often listed as a sub-heading next to an author's name as subject, is a complete, or nearly complete catalog of an artist's entire output, so can be a useful resource when trying to track down a specific work.
Look for the artist's name in the following works:
Biography and Genealogy Master Index (online database)
Who's Who in American Art, N51.W6 (current vol. in Reference) (if AMERICAN; or online: Who's Who on the Web, select Who's Who in American Art), or Who Was Who in American Art, 1564-1975 : 400 years of artists in America, Reference N6505.W48 1999 (3 vols.), and Who's Who in Art (for Great Britain), N40.W62 (current vol. in Reference)
"Thieme Becker," N40.T4 1992 (Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Kunstler, 37 vols.); "Vollmer," N40.T4 V8 (Allgemeines Lexikon der bildenden Kunstler, 6 vols., for 20th century); Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon (AKL), N40 .A44; Allgemeines Kunstlerlexikon: bio-bibliographischer Index A-Z, N40.A437 1999; Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon bio-bibliographischer Index nach Berufen (by profession), N40.A363 2002; Künstlerlexikon der Antike (for ancient and classical art), N5333 .K867 2001. Allgemeines Kunstlerlexikon was also online but has now been superceded by a new online resource known as Artists of the World (AOW). AOW should include much if not all of the content from the above print reference sources.
Benezit, N40.B4713 2006 (and online via Oxford Art Online).
Grove Dictionary of Art (online) is part of Oxford Art Online. This 34-volume dictionary--more of an art encyclopedia--is available (N31 .D5 1996), but has been greatly expanded and largely superceded by the online version. There are some unique images in the book version. One to three-volume sets on special topics have been published in recent years, some of which Marquand also has, e.g. From Renaissance to Impressionism: Styles and Movements in Western Art 1400-1900, The Grove Encyclopedia of Decorative Arts, The Grove Encyclopedia of Classical Art & Architecture (also online), Encyclopedia of American Art Before 1914, From Rembrandt to Vermeer: 17th-Century Dutch Artists, Encyclopedia of Italian Renaissance & Mannerist Art, etc.
*For architects:
* Macmillan Encyclopedia of Architects, Ref NA200 .M2
* International Dictionary of Architects and Architecture, Ref NA40 .I48 1993
* Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals (online) (includes obituaries)
*For designers (and artists and architects):
* online database: AHR Net - look for Art + Architecture Profiles
NOTE: There are countless other resources for tracking down information about an artist or architect, including the NYPL Artists' File on microfilm (MICROFICHE 42), the Museum of Modern Art artists files (MICROFICHE 7, and accompanying guide, N6490 .M945 1993, and via a search in MOMA's online catalog for more recent material), periodical indexes (Art & Architecture Source, etc.), and/or simply doing a Google search on the Web. Marquand also has files of un-cataloged art ephemera arranged by artist name or city/institution (See lists under Art Ephemera on Marquand's website under Collections). See also lists of websites on this research guide.
Fun fact: PUL does not subscribe to the full version of askART, a resource for auction records, biographies and much more, but the biographies are available in full on FRIDAYS. Visit .