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Art 400

Research Guide for Art 400: Junior Seminar.

Getting HELP

The latest library information can be found on the library's website
Every undergraduate has a Personal Librarian. Visit this page to find out more.
Use the Library's chat service
Connect instantly to get help from a library staff member.
E-MAIL me directly, rfriedma@ or marquand@. Look for the orange "schedule appt." box beneath my picture to set up a Zoom or in-person appt. Alternatively, contact another subject specialist.

E-resources at the PUL

  1. Students on leave:
    1. Students on leave retain remote access to library e-resources for 500 days (from their last date of enrollment in the University System).
  2. Remote access information can be found at this link at the bottom of every library website page.
    a. The GlobalProtect VPN does not work with library e-resources.
    b. The SonicWall VPN does work with library resources, but is being discontinued on 12/15/22. 
    c. EZproxy access is available for resources via links in the catalog and on the library’s website.
  3. Email if you:
    1. Encounter broken links in the catalog or Database List
    2. Fine an e-resource link that does not grant full-text access that should
    3. See an error message while attempting to access an e-resource
    4. Discover a discrepancy between catalog holdings information and vendor-site information
    5. Would like to add an Open Access e-resource to the library catalog
  4. International access:
    1. If a student’s location prevents them from accessing library resources, there is nothing the library or the vendor can do to remedy this. For example, if a student is in a country where the government restricts access to certain websites/information, we are unable to provide a workaround.
    2. We have contacted our larger vendors (e.g. JSTOR, ProQuest, etc.) to learn of any known issues with worldwide access, and so far, none have been reported.