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Industrial Relations Library

Library of the Princeton University Industrial Relations Section

Library Holdings

Archive of Industrial Relations Section Records


The Industrial Relations book collection has been integrated into the Firestone Library circulating and reference collections. Circulating books can be charged at the main Circulation Desk on the 1st Floor unless marked otherwise.  Books about labor and industrial relations can be identified through the Catalog.

The following indexes of Library of Congress call numbers provide two ways of identifying books about industrial relations topics:

- Alphabetical Index

- Call Number Index


Labor Union Constitutions & Convention Proceedings

Labor Union Magazines

Pamphlets and other items

There are approximately 60,000 pamphlets and additional reports, contracts, and other items from the Industrial Relations collection on a wide range of subjects.  The pamphlets were published from the 1920s to 1989; other items were published from the 1920s to the early 1990s. All have been cataloged and are housed in ReCAP, the university's off-campus storage facility.  Search the Catalog by entering IR as call number(browse). For pamphlets, you may also browse a hyperlinked alphabetical topic list (below). To access a physical item, submit a ReCAP request from the catalog record.

Working Papers

Written by the Industrial Relations Section faculty, graduate students, and visitors.

Recent Acquisitions

To locate industrial relations titles recently cataloged by Princeton University Library:

  1. In the Catalog, navigate to Recently Added on the left side of the page. Select desired time period.
  2. Filter by Classification (to identify industrial relations topics, use the call numbers from the index in the "Library Holdings" box above).
  3. If desired, impose additional filters including Publication Year, Language, and Format

Special Collections


  1. ILGWU Holdings at Princeton University Library
  2. Prof. Cecilia Elena Rouse Papers on Public School Spending, 1974-1998 (bulk 1980-1995)

Research files for "Using Market Valuation to Assess Public School Spending," (with Lisa Barrow), Journal of Public Economics 88, no. 9-10 (August 2004): 1747-1769.” Materials in the collection are organized by state, in alphabetical order.

Location: (RCPPB) IR-11957