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History of science, technology & medicine

Major scientific & medical journals

Major English-language scientific and medical journals at Princeton:

Indexes to scientific and medical journals

For access to recent issues of scientific and medical journals, please see the lists for Biological and Life Sciences, etc. in the Articles & Databases index.

The process of digitizing older scientific journals is ongoing, and many older journals are available only in print or microform. If you have a particular title in mind, search the Main Catalog to find back issues in all formats, print, microform and digital. Or use a index to scientific/medical journals to identify articles on your topic.

Nineteenth Century Masterfile
This is an online version of several general, scientific, religious, psychological, and legal indexes covering the nineteenth century, including Poole's.

Medline/Pubmed/Index Medicus/IndexCat
IndexCat is a digital edition of the Index-Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office (61 volumes in 5 series, 1880-1961). Princeton also has the printed edition in Firestone Z6676 .I534
Index Medicus is the printed index that precedes Medline:
Index Medicus. 1879-1927. RECAP 04956.49
Quarterly cumulative index medicus. 1927-1956. RECAP 04956.742
Current list of medical literature. 1941-1959. RECAP 04956.279
Medline and Pubmed are two different interfaces to the same index. Pubmed is free and available to the general public; Medline is an interface widely used by medical professionals, to which Princeton subscribes. The index covers 1950 to the present comprehensively, with some citations to older material.

Also valuable: Pubmed Central, an archive of medical journals. Coverage varies by title, so check the journal list at

Web of Science
The major index to scientific journals worldwide. Covers 1900-present (our subscription includes the "Century of Science" backfile).

Scientific periodicals: reference

British periodicals of medicine: a chronological list, 1640-1899. W.R. LeFanu [edited by Jean Loudon]. Rev. ed. Oxford: Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine, c1984.
RECAP Oversize Z6660 .L43 1984q

A historical catalogue of scientific periodicals, 1665-1900: with a survey of their development. Robert Mortimer Gascoigne. New York: Garland Pub., 1985
RECAP Z7403 .G3 1985

Catalogue of scientific serials of all countries including the transactions of learned societies in the natural physical and mathematical sciences, 1633-1876. Samuel H. Scudder. New York: Kraus Reprint Corp., 1965
Firestone Library Z7403 .S383 1965

Comptes rendus

Wikipedia has a good explanation of the complex history of this journal. We have:

  • 1666-1835: Procès-verbaux des séances de l’Académie tenues depuis la fondation de l’Institut jusqu’au mois d’aôut 1835
    Online in Gallica and in microform
  • 1835-1965: Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des sciences
    Online in Gallica; Firestone Q2.C667; Microcard 1835-1880
  • 1966-1980
    • Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seánces de l’Académie des sciences. A, Sciences mathématiques, B, Sciences physiques.
      Firestone Q2.A25-26
    • Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des sciences. Série C, Sciences chimiques.
      Firestone QD1.A26
    • Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des sciences. D, Sciences naturelles.
      Firestone Q2 .A26
    • Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des sciences. Vie académique.
  • 1980 onwards -- Lewis or online