If material exists only in print form at Princeton University Library or another library you can place an Article Express request. This will let us know that you would either like the material we own scanned, or we can reach out to one of our partner libraries and they will scan the material for us. The Library follows applicable copyright law and therefore will only digitize portions of books or other materials applicable for fair use.
Most of the Library's electronic resources are available to registered students, faculty, and staff when away from campus, including while abroad. The Library offers three means of remote access, Access Anywhere, EZproxy and SRA.
Princeton University Library now offers Anywhere Access, a browser extension that gives one-click, full-text PDF access to Library-subscribed and Open Access content from any physical location, through any scholarly search engine or publisher site.
Users with Library privileges can install the extension on a preferred browser: Chrome, Firefox, or Edge.
Authentication through Princeton's Central Authentication Service is required only once, unless users clear cache and cookies.
The EZproxy service requires no configuration. It can be used directly from our Articles and Databases listings. Off-campus users will be asked to supply their Princeton netIDs and passwords when first attempting to access a resource that requires authentication. Resources in the listings marked "Princeton Only" do not work through EZproxy and are available only from designated Library workstations within our physical libraries.
Need help with EZproxy?
Contact Library Support. If you are having problems with a specific resource please include the URL you are trying to access in your message.
The SRA service is managed by Princeton's Office of Information Technology (OIT) and requires installing and configuring software compatible with your computer's operating system. Instructions for Windows, OS X, Linux, and mobile devices are provided. Please note that SRA works for most, but not all, Library resources. Use the EZproxy service if you are using a public computer (hotel, public library, Internet cafe, etc).
Need help with SRA?
Contact OIT via email or call 609-258-4357 (8-HELP).
OSX Users
Please note that Mac OSX versions 10.6.8 and older are incompatible with the SRA service. You will need to upgrade to OSX version 10.7 or later to use SRA.