If you need research help be sure to reach out to a subject specialist. They can save you a lot of time!
Find the list of specialists and their contact information on the Library website.
The main search box on the library homepage will allow you to search for books or articles (plus more). It's a great place to start when you have a few keywords in mind and are just getting started with your research.
Search the catalog for books, manuscripts, journal titles, musical scores, etc. To see only materials online use the filter to the left and select "Online" as opposed to "In the library."
Search Articles+ by keyword when you are looking for articles on a particular topic, or by article title when you are doing known-item searching.
Bibliographic management tools enable you to store library sources in your own personal database and then incorporate the citations seamlessly into your research paper in whatever format your writing seminar requires. Within these tools you can take also notes on the books and articles you find and search those notes by keyword.
Go to the bibliographic management LibGuide to learn more.